英語 编辑

其他形式 编辑

詞源 编辑

來自anti- +‎ vaccination +‎ -ist

名詞 编辑

anti-vaccinationist (複數 anti-vaccinationists)

  1. 疫苗接種
    近義詞: anti-vaccinator(非正式) anti-vaxxer
    反義詞: pro-vaccinationistvaccinationist
    • 2019 12月 10, Tess Lanzarotta, “How to beat anti-vaxxers at their own game”, 出自 The Washington Post[1]:
      In the past, physicians and vaccine producers were remarkably flexible and politically astute when making claims about vaccine safety or responding to anti-vaccinationists. To defeat anti-vaxxers’ campaign of misinformation, the same thing must happen today.

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