英语 编辑

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借自晚期中古法語 perspiration,源自perspirer (流汗),源自拉丁語 perspirare (持续吹气或呼吸),源自per (经过,通过) + spirare (呼吸,吹) 就词形分析:perspire +‎ -ation

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名词 编辑

perspiration (通常不可數,複數 perspirations)

  1. 流汗
    • 1627, Francis Bacon, Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Naturall Historie, London: W. Lee, Cent. VII, section 680, page 170:
      The Cauſe may be Want of Perſpiration : For Much of the Matter of Haire, in the other Parts of the Body, goeth forth by Inſenſible Perſpiration ; And beſides, the Skull being of a more ſolide Subſtance, nouriſheth and aſſimilateth leſſe, and excerneth more.
  2. (引申义) 辛勤努力勤劳
  3. 汗水

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名词 编辑

perspiration f (複數 perspirations)

  1. 流汗
  2. 皮肤呼吸

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