英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自中古英語 poynauntpoynant,借自盎格魯-諾曼語 puignantpoynaunt等,poindre ()的现在分词,源自拉丁語 pungō ()pungent同源對似詞

发音 编辑

形容词 编辑

poignant (比較級 more poignant最高級 most poignant)

  1. (棄用指武器等) 尖锐的,锐利
  2. 有说服力的,准确的,利落的,直击要害
    A poignant reply will garner more credence than hours of blown smoke.
  3. 感人的,动人的,让人感伤
    近義詞: distressingmoving
    Flipping through his high school yearbook evoked many a poignant memory of yesteryear.
    • Template:RQ:Wharton House of Mirth
    • 2004, Andrew Radford, Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the Structure of English, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, §1.4,頁號 13:
      A particularly poignant example of this is a child called Genie (see Curtiss 1977; Rymer 1993), who was deprived of speech input and kept locked up on her own in a room until age thirteen. When eventually taken into care and exposed to intensive language input, her vocabulary grew enormously, but her syntax never developed.
    • 2021 2月 9, Christina Newland, “Is Tom Hanks part of a dying breed of genuine movie stars?”, 出自 BBC[1]:
      Hanks shepherds the young girl to safety – first brusquely, and then with a sudden outburst of affection made all the more poignant for the way it is reserved previously. He once again reminds us, quite literally, that he is in many ways the ultimate dad.
  4. (比喻義指气味,味道) 有刺激性的
  5. (比喻義指景象,话语) 深刻的,深入人心
    His comments were poignant and witty.
  6. (主要用於英國過時) 导致刺痛

相关词汇 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  • OED 2nd edition 1989
  • Webster Third New International 1986

异序词 编辑

法语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自古法語 poignantpoindre的现在分词。可能对应拉丁語 pungēns, pungentem[1].

发音 编辑

分词 编辑


  1. poindre 的现在分詞
  2. poigner 的现在分詞

形容词 编辑

poignant (陰性 poignante,陽性複數 poignants,陰性複數 poignantes)

  1. 动人的,感伤

参考资料 编辑

延伸阅读 编辑

古法语 编辑

词源 编辑

poindre的现在分词。可能对应拉丁語 pungēns, pungentem

动词 编辑


  1. poindre 的现在分詞

形容词 编辑

poignant m (斜格及主格陰性單數 poignant,或 poignante)

  1. 尖锐

派生語彙 编辑

  • 英語: poignant
  • 法語: poignant