英语 编辑

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借自拉丁語 portendere (预测,预知),源自por- (向前) + tendere (伸展)tendo的现在主动不定式。

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portend (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 portends,現在分詞 portending,一般過去時及過去分詞 portended)

  1. (及物) 预示预兆
  2. (及物) 意味着表示
    Let it be known that the Rapture portends the End of Days.
    • 2012 6月 26, Genevieve Koski, “Music: Reviews: Justin Bieber: Believe”, 出自 The A.V. Club[1],於6 August 2020歸檔自原頁面:
      When the staccato, Neptunes-ian single “Boyfriend” was released in March, musical prognosticators were quick to peg the album it portended, Believe, as Justin Bieber’s Justified, a grown-and-sexy, R&B-centric departure that evolved millennial teenybopper Justin Timberlake into one of the unifying pop-music figures of the aughts.

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