英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自拉丁語 versātilis (容易转的,容易转变的),源自versātusversō (转;改变)的过去分词,vertō ()的反复态。

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形容词 编辑

versatile (比較級 more versatile最高級 most versatile)

  1. 多才多艺
  2. 多功能的,多用途
  3. 可以改变的;多变的,易变
  4. (生物學) 能自由移动
    • 1996, William G. D'Arcy, 編者William G. D'Arcy, Richard C. Keating, The anther: form, function, and phylogeny:
      The versatile anther is an important step up in flowering plant evolution and it may be the most widespread of all simple anther types.
  5. (gay slang)既能插入又能被插入的
    • 2017, Simon LeVay, Gay, Straight, and the Reason why: The Science of Sexual Orientation[1]:
      Among men who do engage in anal intercourse, about one-quarter are tops, one-quarter are bottoms, and one-half are versatile.
    近義詞: (印度) double-decker
  6. (BDSM) 可攻可受的
    • 2004, "queenchaser1158", Horny Versatile TV/TS Wanted in Phoenix (on newsgroup alt.personals.gay)

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词源 编辑

源自拉丁語 versātilis

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形容词 编辑

versatile (複數 versatiles)

  1. 易变的
  2. 优柔寡断

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词源 编辑

源自拉丁語 versātilis,源自versāre (转,扭)

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形容词 编辑

versatile (複數 versatili)

  1. 易变的
  2. 多才多艺

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  1. versātilis主格/賓格/呼格中性單數

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形容词 编辑

versatile f  n 

  1. versatil主格/賓格陰性/中性複數