编辑源自苏格兰brack(←中古荷兰语 brac (“有盐味的”)) + -ish。同源词包括荷兰语 brak (“有盐味的”)、德国低地德语 brack、brakerg、brakig (“有盐味的”)、德语 brackig (“有盐味的”)、丹麦语 brak (“有盐味的”)、瑞典语 bräck (“有盐味的”)、挪威语 brakk (“有盐味的”)。可能是brook的远亲同源对似词。
编辑brackish (比较级 more brackish,最高级 most brackish)
- (指水) 有盐味的,较咸的 (程度在海水与淡水之间,如在入海口的水);太咸的
- 1638, Sir Thomas Herbert, Some years travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique:
- a low courſe and too long ſporting with the briny Ocean it taſts brackiſh and inſalubrious...
- (请为本引文添加中文翻译)
- 1992, Joyce Carol Oates, Black Water, Penguin Books, paperback edition, page 4.
- On all sides a powerful brackish marshland odor, the odor of damp, and decay, and black earth, black water.
- 2004, David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas, Random House.
- The water we took on at Chatham Isle is now brackish & without a dash of brandy in it, my stomach rebels.
- 味道讨厌的
- 恶心的