
英语 编辑

维基百科 en

词源 编辑

源自拉丁语 collāpsuscollābor的过去分词。

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collapse (第三人称单数简单现在时 collapses,现在分词 collapsing,一般过去时及过去分词 collapsed)

  1. (不及物) 崩塌坍塌
    • 1843, Samuel Maunder, The Scientific and Literary Treasury
      A balloon collapses when the gas escapes from it.
  2. (不及物) 崩溃瓦解毁坏覆灭
    Pyramid schemes tend to generate profits for a while and then collapse.
  3. (不及物) 折叠
  4. (及物计算机) 折叠隐藏
  5. (板球) 多个击球手连续下场
  6. (及物) 使...倒塌,使...坍塌折叠
    Hurry up and collapse the tent so we can get moving.
  7. (不及物) 昏倒
    The exhausted singer collapsed on stage and had to be taken to the hospital.

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collapse (可数 不可数,复数 collapses)

  1. 倒塌瓦解昏倒
    She suffered a terrible collapse after slipping on the wet floor.
    • 2012 4月 21, Jonathan Jurejko, “Newcastle 3-0 Stoke”, 出自 BBC Sport[1]:
      The top six are assured of continental competition and after making a statement of intent against Stoke, it would take a dramatic collapse for Newcastle to surrender their place.
    • 2021 5月 5, Paul Clifton, “Network News: Heathrow Western Rail Access scheme 'on hold'”, 出自 RAIL, 期 930,页号 26:
      However the collapse in demand for rail and air travel caused by the pandemic has had a knock-on effect for the project's funding.
  2. 单值函数

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  1. collapser第一人称单数现在时直陈式
  2. collapser第三人称单数现在时直陈式
  3. collapser第一人称单数现在时虚拟式
  4. collapser第三人称单数现在时虚拟式
  5. collapser第二人称单数命令式

拉丁语 编辑

分词 编辑


  1. collāpsus呼格阳性单数