英语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自法语 marauder,派生自maraud (无赖,流浪者),源自中古法语 maraud (无赖),源自古法语 *marault (乞丐,流浪者),源自marirmarrir (烦扰,迷失,迷路),源自古法兰克语 *marrijan (疏漏;妨碍),源自原始日耳曼语 *marzijaną (疏漏;妨碍;破坏),源自原始印欧语 *mers- (迷;不知道,忘) + 古法语后缀-ault-aud。同源词有古高地德语 marrjanmarren (妨碍)古撒克逊语 merrian (妨碍;浪费)哥特语 𐌼𐌰𐍂𐌶𐌾𐌰𐌽 (marzjan, 冒犯)。与mar有关。

发音 编辑

动词 编辑

maraud (第三人称单数简单现在时 marauds,现在分词 marauding,一般过去时及过去分词 marauded)

  1. (不及物) 四处劫掠
    a marauding band
    • 1684, Thomas Otway, The Works of Mr. Thomas Otway[1], 卷 2, London: Richard, James, and Bethel Wellington, 出版于 1728, The Atheist; or the Second Part of the Soldier's Fortune,页号 88:
      Peace Plunder, Peace, you Rogue; no Moroding now i we'll burn, rob, demolish and murder another time together : This is a Bus'ness must be done with decency.
    • 1711, Joseph Addison, The Spectator, no. 90-505[2], 卷 3, London: Thomas Tickell, 出版于 1721,页号 115:
      [] in one of which they met with a party of French that had been marauding, and made them all prisoners at discretion.
  2. (不及物) 杀气腾腾地四处走
    • 1770, “Fables for Grown Gentlemen”, 出自 Tobias George Smollett 编, The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature[3], 卷 29, London: A. Hamilton,页号 73:
      A flea out of a blanket shaken, A bloody-minded sinner, Upon a taylor's neck was taken, Marauding for a dinner.
  3. (及物) 劫掠掠夺
    • 1829, Washington Irving, A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada: In Two Volumes[4], 卷 1, Paris: Baudry, at the Foreign Library,页号s 118-9:
      As the tract of country they intended to maraud was far in the Moorish territories near the coast of the Mediterranean, they did not arrive until late in the following day.

参见 编辑

异序词 编辑

法语 编辑

词源 编辑

古法语 *marault,见maraud

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

maraud m (复数 marauds,阴性 maraude)

  1. (过时贬义) 流氓
    近义词: coquindrôle
    • 1838, Alfred de Musset, Margot[5]:
      —O ma chère Ursule! s’écriait madame Doradour, ma toute bonne, où êtes-vous? Vous me chasseriez ces marauds-là!
    • 1843, George Sand, “Septième rencontre”, 出自 Kourroglou[6]:
      «Oh non! c’est bien assez!» il revient vers ses compagnons, et Daly-Hassan, qui l’attend au pied de la montagne en léchant ses moustaches comme un tigre qui a soif, lui demande la permission d’essayer le tranchant de son sabre sur ces marauds, afin de leur arracher quelques barils de vin par-dessus le marché.

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