英语 编辑

其他形式 编辑

词源 编辑

1571年,意为“带回监狱”,源自中古英语 repryen (扣押羁押)(1494年),可能源自中古法语 reprisreprendre (拿回)的一个变位形式,与reprise同源。其词义已被泛化,但还暗含监狱或处刑的色彩。名词用法自1598年可考。[2]对比拉丁语 privare

发音 编辑

  • 国际音标(帮助)/ɹɪˈpɹiːv/
  • 文档
  • 断字:re‧prieve

动词 编辑

reprieve (第三人称单数简单现在时 reprieves,现在分词 reprieving,一般过去时及过去分词 reprieved)

  1. (及物) 给...予缓刑撤销...的刑罚 尤指死囚
  2. (及物) 使...放松
  3. (及物弃用) 将...押回监狱 而不处死
  4. 推迟延迟暂缓撤销废除某物的计划)
    • 1960 August, L. Hyland, “The Irish Scene”, 出自 Trains Illustrated,页号 468:
      At the time of writing the halts have been reprieved due to doubts as to the legality of the withdrawal of services. It is feared that this reprieve may not outlast the summer timetable which, on the section in question, provides only a skeleton of the former service.

衍生词汇 编辑

相关词汇 编辑

名词 编辑

reprieve (复数 reprieves)

  1. 缓刑取消刑罚
    The prisoner was saved from execution; the governor had requested a reprieve.
  2. 缓刑批准文件;取消刑罚批准文件
  3. (痛苦的)减轻缓解 尤指暂时的
    • 2015 2月 24, Daniel Taylor, “Luis Suárez strikes twice as Barcelona teach Manchester City a lesson”, 出自 The Guardian (London)[1]:
      Yet it was not easy, on the balance of play, to be convinced by Pellegrini and his defeated players that the reprieve might somehow be a defining moment over the two legs.
  4. (受到公众反对的事件的) 取消推迟
    • 1960 August, L. Hyland, “The Irish Scene”, 出自 Trains Illustrated,页号 468:
      At the time of writing the halts have been reprieved due to doubts as to the legality of the withdrawal of services. It is feared that this reprieve may not outlast the summer timetable which, on the section in question, provides only a skeleton of the former service.

参考资料 编辑

  1. "reprive" Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. 1913. G. & C. Merriam Co.
  2. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “reprieve”, 在线词源词典》(Online Etymology Dictionary