
英語 編輯

An angler fishing off a pier
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詞源 編輯

源自中古英語 anglerangleerangeler,等價於angle +‎ -er

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名詞 編輯

angler (複數 anglers)

  1. 垂釣
    A throng of anglers lined the trout stream on opening day of trout season.
  2. 鮟鱇Lophius piscatorius
    The angler lured a smaller fish into reach with the appendage on its head.
  3. 狡猾的人,打小算盤的人
    Jonas was a consummate angler when it came the company's leave policy; he had it figured so he only needed to work six months out of the year.
  4. (古舊英國竊賊黑話)鈎子從商店櫥窗等偷東西的小偷
    • c. 1608–1610, Samuel Rid, Martin Mark-all, Beadle of Bridewell:
      They are sure to be clyd in the night by the angler, or hooker, or such like pilferers that liue upon the spoyle of other poore people.
    • 1834, William Harrison Ainsworth, Rookwood[1], 卷 2, Oath of the Canting Crew,頁號s 339–340:
      Rogue or rascal, frater, maunderer, / Irish Toyle, or other wanderer; / No dimber damber, angler, dancer, / Prig of cackler, prig of prancer

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詞源 編輯

源自angle +‎ -er

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  1. 垂釣

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