英語 編輯

其他形式 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自中古英語 coudecouthecuthe,源自古英語 cūþecunnan (能夠)(對比相關詞cūþ,派生出couth)的直陳過去式或虛擬式。受到與shouldwould類比的影響,「L」在16世紀初葉引入,兩詞的「L」常被錯誤略去的現象(產生了shuddwode等詞形)可能也起到了推動作用。[1][2]

發音 編輯

動詞 編輯


  1. can 的簡單過去時
    Before I was blind, I could see very well.
  2. can條件式
    1. 用來表示過去虛擬式,表示與現實相對的假設。
      I think he could do it if he really wanted to.
      I wish I could fly!
    2. 用來禮貌地請求許可。
      Could I borrow your coat?
    3. 用來禮貌地請求別人做某事。
      Could you proofread this email?
    4. 用來表示某事可能會發生。
      • 2013 6月 29, 「Travels and travails」, 出自 The Economist, 卷 407, 期 8842,頁號 55:
        Even without hovering drones, a lurking assassin, a thumping score and a denouement, the real-life story of Edward Snowden, a rogue spy on the run, could be straight out of the cinema. But, as with Hollywood, the subplots and exotic locations may distract from the real message: America’s discomfort and its foes』 glee.
      We could rearrange the time if you like.
    5. 用來表示建議。
      You could try adding more salt to the soup.
  3. (泰恩賽德外棄用) can過去時分詞
    • 1981, Anthony Warner, English Auxiliaries: Structure and History, 出版於 1993, →ISBN,頁號 222:
      I haven't could sleep.

用法說明 編輯

  • 一些使用者認為不能用could指許可,而應用might,類似指許可時使用may來替換can

衍生詞彙 編輯

相關詞彙 編輯

名詞 編輯

could (複數 coulds)

  1. 可能性
    • 1996, Fred Shoemaker, Extraordinary Golf: The Art of the Possible,頁號 88:
      When the golf ball is there, the whole self-interference package — the hopes, worries, and fears; the thoughts on how-to and how-not-to; the woulds, the coulds, and the shoulds — is there too.
    • 2010, Shushona Novos, The Personal Universal: A Guidebook for Spiritual Evolution,頁號 395:
      Shushona you must learn to rightfully prioritize all the woulds, shoulds and coulds of your life.

參考資料 編輯

  1. can, v.1.」, OED Online  , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2017
  2. Christopher Upward, George Davidson, The History of English Spelling (2011), section "Silent L"

異序詞 編輯