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源自朝鮮語 먹방 (meokbang, 字面意思是吃飯直播)

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名詞 編輯

mukbang (可數 不可數,複數 mukbangs)

  1. (網際網路) 吃播
    • 2016 January 6, "shawn", Re: AT&T U-Verse Shysters, rec.arts.tv, Usenet:
      After all there's a huge market in South Korea for mukbangs. That's where someone is streaming as they eat. [] In any case there seem to be no particular types that are successful at streaming a mukbang since there are pretty young girls and heavy guys that seem to get a lot of viewers.
    • 2017, Charles Spence, Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating, Penguin (ISBN 9780735223462), page 57:
      I also get the sense, though, that some of those who, for whatever reason, often end up eating alone are tuning in for a dose of mukbang at mealtimes to get some virtual company (see the 「Social Dining」 chapter).
    • 2018, Crystal Abidin, Internet Celebrity: Understanding Fame Online, Emerald Group Publishing (ISBN 9781787560789), page 26:
      In each group of comments, the intersectionality of Kinoshita's identity markers is compounded as she is singled out as a mukbang eater, a female mukbang eater, a slim female mukbang eater, and finally a slim Asian female mukbang eater, []

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名詞 編輯

mukbang (第一人稱所有格 mukbangku,第二人稱所有格 mukbangmu,第三人稱所有格 mukbangnya)

  1. mokbang的另一種寫法

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