英語 編輯

其他寫法 編輯

發音 編輯

形容詞 編輯

of course

  1. (罕用除了短語matter of course) 習慣的,自然(16世紀)
    • 1849, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Miscellaneous Writings:
      I am not using a mere phrase of course, when I say that the feelings with which I bear a part in the ceremony of this day, are such as I find it difficult to utter in words.

派生詞 編輯

副詞 編輯

of course (不可比)

  1. (罕用) 自然(16世紀)
    • 1751, Tobias Smollett, The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, I.20:
      He inspired love and emulation wherever he appeared; envy and jealous rage followed of course; so that he became a very desirable, though a very dangerous acquaintance.
    • 1790, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Men:
      Not tarrying long enough in the brain to be subject to reflection, the next sensations, of course, obliterate them.
  2. 當然明顯(19世紀)
    近義詞: naturallyindisputably
    Of course I know that!
    You will, of course, surrender all your future rights to the property.

感歎詞 編輯

of course

  1. 表示積極的同意。
    Will you come with me? — Of course!