
英語 編輯

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其他形式 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自中古法語 prélude (測試性地演奏樂器),源自中世紀拉丁語 preludium,源自拉丁語 praelūdere[1]

發音 編輯

名詞 編輯

prelude (複數 preludes)

  1. 序章序幕
    近義詞: preface
  2. (音樂) 序曲前奏曲 (自17世紀50年代)
    近義詞: intradaoverture
  3. (程式設計) (默認導入的)標準或標準函數
    • 2018, Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols, The Rust Programming Language, No Starch Press, →ISBN,頁號 232:
      In the same way that Rust has a general prelude that brings certain types and functions into scope automatically, the std::io module has its own prelude of common types and functions you'll need when working with I/O.
  4. (比喻義) 先兆起始
    • 1869, William Chambers, ‎Robert Chambers, Chambers's Miscellany of Instructive & Entertaining Tracts (page 2)
      Swimmings of the head and intestinal pains seemed the prelude of dissolution.
    • 1981, Anouar Abdel-Malek, Social Dialectics: Nation and Revolution,頁號 13:
      On the other hand, the nationalitarian phenomenon is one in which the struggle against the imperialist powers of occupation has as its object, beyond the clearing of the national territory, the independence and sovereignty of the national State, uprooting in depth the positions of the ex-colonial power— the reconquest of the power of decision in all domains of national life, the prelude to that reconquest of identity which is at the heart of the renaissance undertaken on the basis of fundamental national demands, and ceaselessly contested, by every means available, on every level, and notably on the internal level'.

近義詞 編輯

動詞 編輯

prelude (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 preludes,現在分詞 preluding,一般過去時及過去分詞 preluded)

  1. 將...作為序曲序章等引入
  2. 表演序幕,演奏序曲

參考資料 編輯

  1. Douglas Harper (2001–2024), 「prelude」, 線上詞源詞典》(Online Etymology Dictionary

意大利語 編輯

動詞 編輯


  1. preludere第三人稱單數現在時直陳式

異序詞 編輯