

Shāntián Tàiláng 您好!



最后,希望您能留下来,成为我们的一员。让我们一起编出一部一流的在线多语言词典! 我是欢迎您的维基词典人:TongcyDai  ฅ • ω • ฅ 2024年11月14日 (四) 20:21 (UTC)回复

Welcome to Chinese Wiktionary. Thank you for your contributions! If you have any queries about the Chinese Wiktionary, you are more than welcome to discuss it at :Wiktionary:Chaguan (tea room). You can also put a Babel box on your user page, to let us know your language capabilities and make contact more convenient. Again, welcome!



Thank you for reporting the issue. Unlike English Wiktionary, Chinese Wiktionary has limited human resources, and hundreds of thousands of entries that were bot-imported more than a decade ago still remain unprocessed. These entries are clearly waiting for human cleanup, and merely adding templates does not help solve the problem; rather, it may lead to template abuse. Therefore, I suggest you refrain from adding this template to more entries.

Additionally, category creation is typically handled by bots. If you choose to create categories manually, please remember to link them to Wikidata. Happy editing! TongcyDai  ฅ • ω • ฅ 2024年11月14日 (四) 20:22 (UTC)回复