
英语 编辑

词源 编辑

借自法語 camouflage,源自camoufler (掩盖,伪装),(因camouflet (扑到脸上的烟))变换自意大利語 camuffare (裹住头),源自ca-(源自意大利語 capo ())+ muffare (蒙住,裹住),源自中世紀拉丁語 muffula, muffla (暖手筒)。该中世纪拉丁语词亦派生出英語 muffle。其源自古法蘭克語 *molfell (皮制软衣物),源自*mol (软化的,穿旧的)(与古高地德語 molawēn (软化)中古高地德語 molwic (软的)同源)+ *fell (),源自原始日耳曼語 *fellą (皮,羊毛);或者,另一词源理论追溯回古法蘭克語 *muffël (暖手筒,包裹物),其为由*mauwa (袖子,包裹物)原始日耳曼語 *mawwō (袖子) + *fell ()原始日耳曼語 *fellą (皮,羊毛)构成的复合词。

发音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈkæ.məˌflɑːʒ/
  • 文檔
  • 斷字:cam‧ou‧flage

名词 编辑

camouflage (可數 不可數,複數 camouflages)

A leopard's natural camouflage
  1. 伪装掩盖
  2. (軍事) 伪装 [1]
  3. (紡織) 迷彩图案
  4. (生物學) 保护色,保护图案,保护形状
    • 2013 May-June, William E. Conner, “An Acoustic Arms Race”, 出自 American Scientist, 卷 101, 期 3,頁號s 206-7:
      Earless ghost swift moths become “invisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close [] above vegetation and effectively blending into the clutter of echoes that the bat receives from the leaves and stems around them. Many insects probably use this strategy, which is a close analogy to crypsis in the visible world—camouflage and other methods for blending into one’s visual background.
  5. 伪装衣物

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动词 编辑


camouflage (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 camouflages,現在分詞 camouflaging,一般過去時及過去分詞 camouflaged)

  1. 隐藏隐瞒伪装掩盖
    • 1960 January, “New reading on railways”, 出自 Trains Illustrated,頁號 26:
      THE CONCISE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF WORLD RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES. Edited by P. Ransome-Wallis. Hutchinson. 50s.
      A gaudy jacket, remarkably out of keeping with the contents, camouflages the weightiest and meatiest work on a railway topic since the war.
    • 1962 October, Brian Haresnape, “Focus on B.R. passenger stations”, 出自 Modern Railways,頁號s 250-251:
      Elegant brick and stone buildings, with iron and glass canopies and decorative wooden scalloping and fencing—all evidencing care on the part of the architect to produce a pleasing, well-planned building—were submerged beneath a profusion of ill-conceived additions and camouflaged by vulgar paint schemes; and the original conception was lost.

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参考资料 编辑

  1. (JP 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms).

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词源 编辑

借自法語 camouflage

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

camouflage f (複數 camouflages)

  1. 掩盖掩饰
  2. 迷彩

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派生語彙 编辑

  • 印尼語: kamuflase
  • 西弗里斯蘭語: kamûflaazje

法语 编辑

词源 编辑

camoufler (隐瞒,隐藏) +‎ -age (名词构成后缀)

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

camouflage m (複數 camouflages)

  1. (軍事) 伪装
  2. 隐瞒伪装掩盖

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