英語 编辑

musical notation for a slur ( 2 and 3)

詞源 编辑

來自中古英語 sloor (稀泥)。與中古低地德語 sluren (走在泥裡)同源。與方言挪威語 sløra (草率,不上心)丹麥語 sløre (搖晃,鬆垮)有關;對比古諾爾斯語 slóðra (慢吞吞地走)

發音 编辑

  • IPA(幫助)/slɜː(ɹ)/
  • 韻部:-ɜː(r)
  • 文檔
  • 文檔

名詞 编辑

slur (複數 slurs)

  1. 侮辱輕視
    a racial slur
  2. (音樂) 連奏
  3. (音樂) 連音線
    同類詞: tie
  4. (棄用) 欺騙騙術

衍生詞 编辑

動詞 编辑

slur (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 slurs,現在分詞 slurring,一般過去時及過去分詞 slurred)

  1. 侮辱輕視
  2. 說話含糊
    to slur syllables;  He slurs his speech when he is drunk.
    • 2014年4月21日,“Subtle effects”,出自 The Economist,卷號411,期號8884:
      Manganism has been known about since the 19th century, when miners exposed to ores containing manganese, a silvery metal, began to totter, slur their speech and behave like someone inebriated.
  3. (音樂) 連奏
    • 1817, Thomas Busby, A Dictionary of Music, Theoretical and Practical
      Notes , the stems of which are joined together by cross lines, as in united quavers , semiquavers , & c . or notes over the heads of which a curve is drawn, to signify that they are to be slurred
  4. 玷污
    • Template:RQ:Cudworth True
      they do not only impudently slur the gospel, according to the history and the letter, in making it no better than a romantical legend []
  5. 掩蓋隱瞞
  6. 矇騙
  7. (印刷, 過時) 印刷字跡模糊糊版

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