
英语 编辑

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本为美国某人名的昵称,来自苏格兰语bonnie (好的,漂亮的)

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  1. 源自英语的女性人名
    • 1936 Margaret Mitchell: Gone With the Wind:
      Rhett leaning over the child had said: 'Her eyes are going to be pea-green.'
      'Indeed they are not,' cried Melanie indignantly, forgetting that Scarlett's eyes were almost that shade. 'They are going to be blue, like Mr O'Hara's eyes, as blue as - as blue as the bonnie blue flag.'
      'Bonnie Blue Butler,' laughed Rhett, taking the child from her and peering more closely into the small eyes. And Bonnie she became until even her parents did not recall that she had been named for two queens.
      “好极了,那么她就可以叫做Bonnie Blue Butler了。”Rhett一面大笑着,一面将孩子重新抱回去,再把那双小眼睛仔细审察一番。从此Bonnie这个名字叫顺口,竟把她那由两个王后拼成的本名完全忘记了。

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