編輯- rabbi
- rabbit
- rabbit on
- rabbit hutch
- rabbit warren
- rabble
- rabble-rouser
- rabble-rousing
- Rabelais
- Rabelaisian
- rabid
- rabies
編輯- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- race
- race card
- racecourse
- racehorse
- race metting
- racer
- race relations
- racetrack
- racial
- racialism
- racialist
- racing
- racing car
- racism
- racist
- rack
- rack up
- racket
- racketeer
- raconteur
- racoon
- racquet
- racy
編輯- radar
- radial
- radiance
- radiant
- radiant energy
- radiate
- radiation
- radiation sickness
- radiator
- radical
- radicalism
- radically
- radical sign
- radio
- radioactive
- radioactivity
- radio astronomy
- radio beacon
- radio car
- radio control
- radio frequency
- radiogram
- radiograph
- radiographer
- radiography
- radioisotope
- radiologist
- radiology
- radiometer
- radiophone
- radio set
- radio star
- radio station
- radiotelephone
- radio telescope
- radiotherapy
- radish
- radium
- radius
- radon
編輯- rag
- ragamuffin
- ragbag
- rag doll
- rage
- ragged
- raging
- raglan
- raglan sleeve
- ragout
- ragtag
- ragtime
- rag trade
- ragweed
編輯- raid
- raider
- rail
- railing
- raillery
- railroad
- railroader
- railway
- railwayman
- raiment
- rain
- rainbow
- rainbow trout
- rain check
- raincoat
- raindrop
- rainfall
- rain forest
- rain gauge
- rainproof
- rainstorm
- rain water
- rainy
- rainy day
- raise
- raiser
- raisin
- raison d'etre
編輯- ram
- Ramadan
- ramble
- rambler
- rambling
- rambunctious
- ramification
- ramify
- ramjet
- ramp
- rampage
- rampant
- rampart
- ramrod
- ramshackle
編輯- ranch
- rancher
- ranch house
- ranchman
- rancid
- rancor
- rancour
- rancorous
- Randolph
- random
- random sampling
- randy
- range
- range finder
- ranger
- Rangoon
- rangy
- rank
- rank and file
- ranker
- ranking
- rankle
- ransack
- ransom
- rant
編輯- rap
- rapacious
- rapacity
- rape
- rape oil
- Raphael
- rapid
- rapid-fire
- rapidity
- rapidly
- rapier
- rapine
- rapist
- rapport
- rapprochement
- rapt
- rapture
- rapturous
編輯- rat
- ratable
- ratan
- ra-a-tat
- ratchet
- ratchet wheel
- rate
- rateable
- rate of exchange
- ratepayer
- rather
- ratification
- ratify
- rating
- ratio
- ratiocination
- ration
- rational
- rationale
- rationalism
- rationalist
- rationalistic
- rationality
- raitonalization
- rationalize
- ratline
- rat race
- rattan
- rat-tat
- ratter
- rattle
- rattle off
- rattle on
- rattle away
- rattle through
- rattler
- rattlesnake
- rattletrap
- rattling
- rattrap
- ratty
編輯- ravage
- rave
- ravel
- raven
- ravening
- ravenous
- raver
- rave-up
- ravine
- raving
- ravioli
- ravish
- ravishing
- ravishment
編輯- reach
- reach after
- reach out
- reach-me-down
- react
- reaction
- reactionary
- reactivate
- reactor
- read
- read back
- read between the lines
- read out
- read over
- read through
- read to oneself
- read up
- readability
- readable
- readdress
- reader
- readership
- readily
- readiness
- reading
- reading desk
- reading lamp
- reading room
- readjust
- readjustment
- readout
- ready
- ready cash
- ready-made
- ready money
- ready reckoner
- ready-to-wear
- reaffirm
- reafforest
- reafforestation
- Reagan
- reagent
- real
- real estate
- real estate agent
- realign
- realignment
- realisation
- realise
- realism
- realist
- realistic
- realistically
- reality
- realizable
- realization
- realize
- really
- realm
- real property
- real time
- realtor
- realty
- ream
- reamer
- reanimate
- reap
- reaper
- reappear
- reappearance
- reappraisal
- rear
- rear admiral
- rear guard
- rearm
- rearmament
- rearmost
- rearrange
- rearrangement
- rearview mirror
- rearward
- rearwards
- reason
- reaon out
- reasonable
- reasonably
- reasoned
- reasoning
- reassemble
- reassurance
- reassure
- reassuring
編輯- rebate
- rebel
- rebellion
- rebellious
- rebirth
- reborn
- rebond
- rebroadcast
- rebuff
- rebuild
- rebuke
- rebus
- rebut
- rebuttal
編輯- recalcitrance
- recalcitrant
- recall
- recant
- recantation
- recap
- recapitulate
- recapitulation
- recapture
- recast
- recede
- receipt
- receivable
- receive
- received
- Received Pronunciation
- receiver
- receiving set
- recent
- recently
- receptacle
- reception
- reception desk
- receptionist
- reception room
- receptive
- receptivity
- recess
- recession
- recessional
- recessive
- recharge
- recherche
- recidivist
- recipe
- recipient
- reciprocal
- reciprocate
- reciprocating engine
- reciprocation
- reciprocity
- recital
- recitation
- recitative
- recite
- reckless
- reckon
- reckon in
- reckon on
- reckon with
- reckon without
- reckoner
- erckoning
- reclaim
- reclamation
- recline
- reclining chair
- recluse
- recognise
- recognition
- recognizable
- recognizably
- recognizance
- recognize
- recoil
- recollect
- recollection
- recommend
- recommendation
- recompense
- reconcilable
- reconcile
- reconciliation
- recondite
- recondition
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- reconsider
- reconsideration
- reconstitue
- reconstruct
- reconstruction
- record
- record-breaking
- recorded delivery
- recorder
- recording
- record library
- record player
- recount
- re-count
- recoup
- recourse
- recover
- re-cover
- recoverable
- recovery
- recreant
- recreate
- re-create
- recreation
- re-creation
- recreational
- recreation ground
- recreation room
- recriminate
- recrimination
- recrudescence
- recruit
- recruitment
- rectal
- rectangle
- rectangular
- rectification
- rectifier
- rectify
- rectilinear
- rectitude
- rector
- rectory
- rectum
- recumbent
- recuperate
- recuperation
- recuperative
- recur
- recurrence
- recurrent
- recycle
- recycling
編輯- red
- red alret
- Red Army
- redbird
- red blood cell
- red-blooded
- redbreast
- redbrick
- redcap
- red-carpet
- red carpet
- red cedar
- red cent
- redcoat
- red corpuscle
- Red Crescent
- Red Cross
- red deer
- redden
- reddish
- redecorate
- redeem
- redeemable
- redeemer
- redemption
- redemptive
- red ensigh
- redeploy
- redevelop
- red flag
- red giant
- Red Guards
- red-handed
- redhead
- redheaded
- red herring
- red-hot
- redid
- redirect
- redistribute
- redistribution
- red lead
- red-letter
- red-letter day
- red light
- red man
- red meat
- redness
- redo
- redolence
- redolent
- redouble
- redoubt
- redoubtable
- red pepper
- red rag
- red dress
- Red Sea
- redstart
- red tape
- reduce
- reducible
- reduction
- redundancy
- redundant
- reduplicate
- reduplication
- redwing
- redwood
編輯- reecho
- reed
- reed instrument
- reed organ
- reeducate
- reeducation
- reedy
- reef
- reefer
- reef knot
- reek
- reel
- re-elect
- re-election
- re-enforce
- re-enter
- re-entry
- re-establish
- re-examination
- re-examine
編輯- reface
- refection
- refectory
- refer
- referable
- referee
- reference
- reference book
- reference library
- reference mark
- reference room
- referendum
- referential
- refill
- refine
- refined
- refinement
- refiner
- rfinery
- refit
- reflect
- reflecting telescope
- reflection
- reflective
- reflector
- reflex
- reflex angle
- reflex camera
- reflexion
- reflexive
- reflexive pronoun
- reforest
- reforestation
- reform
- re-form
- reformation
- reformatory
- reformer
- reform school
- refract
- refracting telescope
- refraction
- refractory
- refractory brick
- refrain
- refresh
- refresher
- refresher course
- refreshing
- refreshment
- refreshment room
- refrigerant
- refrigerate
- refrigeration
- refrigerator
- refuel
- refuge
- refugee
- refund
- refurbish
- refusal
- refuse
- refutable
- refutation
- refute
編輯- regain
- regal
- regale
- regalia
- regard
- regardful
- regarding
- regardless
- regardless of
- regatta
- regency
- regenerate
- regeneration
- regent
- reggae
- regicide
- regime
- regimen
- regiment
- regimental
- regimentation
- Regina
- region
- regional
- regionalism
- register
- registered
- registed nurse
- register office
- registrar
- registration
- registration number
- registry
- registry office
- regnant
- regress
- regression
- regressive
- regret
- regretful
- regretfully
- regrettable
- regrettably
- regroup
- regular
- regular hexagon
- regular pentagon
- regularity
- regularize
- regularly
- regulate
- regulation
- regulator
- regurgitate
編輯- Reich
- reign
- reigning
- reimburse
- reimbursement
- rein
- reincarnate
- reincarnation
- rendeer
- reinforce
- reinforced concrete
- reinforcement
- reinstate
- reinstatement
- reinsure
- reissue
- reiterate
- reiteration
編輯- reject
- rejection
- rejig
- rejoice
- rejoice in
- rejoice in the name of
- rejoicing
- rejoin
- rejoinder
- rejuvenate
- rejuvenation
編輯- relapse
- relate
- related
- relation
- relationship
- relative
- relative to
- relative adjective
- relative adverb
- relative clause
- relatively
- relative pronoun
- relativism
- relativity
- relax
- relaxation
- relaxing
- relay
- relay race
- relay station
- release
- relegate
- relegtion
- relent
- relentless
- relevance
- relevant
- reliability
- reliable
- reliably
- reliance
- reliant
- relic
- relief
- relief map
- relief pitcher
- relief road
- relieve
- religion
- religious
- reline
- relinquish
- relish
- relive
- reload
- relocate
- relocation
- reluctance
- reluctant
- reluctantly
- rely
編輯- rem
- remain
- remainder
- remains
- remake
- remand
- remand home
- remark
- remarkable
- remarkably
- remarriage
- remarry
- Rembrandt
- remediable
- remedial
- remedy
- remember
- remember oneself
- remembrance
- Remembrance Day
- remind
- reminder
- reminisce
- reminiscence
- reminiscent
- remiss
- remission
- remit
- remittance
- remittent
- remnant
- remodel
- remold
- remonstrance
- remonstrate
- remorse
- remorseful
- remorseless
- remote
- remote control
- remount
- removable
- removal
- removal van
- remove
- removed
- remover
- remunerate
- remuneration
- remunerative
編輯- Renaissance
- renal
- rename
- renascent
- rend
- render
- render down
- render up
- rendering
- rendezvous
- rendition
- renegade
- renege
- renew
- renewable
- renewal
- rennet
- Renoir
- renounce
- renovate
- renovation
- renovator
- renown
- renowned
- rent
- rent-a-car
- rental
- rental library
- renter
- rent-free
- renunciation
編輯- rep
- repair
- repaiable
- repairer
- repairman
- reparable
- reparation
- repartee
- epast
- repatriate
- repatriation
- repay
- repayable
- repayment
- repeal
- repeat
- repeat a course
- repeat a year
- repeat oneself
- repeated
- repeater
- repeating decimal
- repeating watch
- repel
- repellent
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- repercussion
- repertoire
- repertory
- repertory theater
- repetition
- repetitious
- repetitive
- rephrase
- repine
- replace
- replaceable
- replacement
- replay
- replenish
- replenishment
- replete
- replica
- replicate
- reply
- relly for
- reply-paid
- report
- report back
- report oneself
- report sick
- reportage
- report card
- reportedly
- reported speech
- reporter
- reporting verb
- repose
- repository
- repossess
- repossession
- reprehend
- reprehensible
- represent
- re-present
- representation
- representative
- represented speech
- repress
- repressed
- repression
- repressive
- repreive
- reprimand
- reprint
- reprisal
- reproach
- reprochful
- reprobate
- reproduce
- reproducible
- reproduction
- reproductive
- reproof
- reprove
- reproving
- reptile
- reptilian
- republic
- republican
- republicanism
- Republican Party
- Republic of China
- repudiate
- repudiation
- repugnance
- repugnant
- repulse
- repulsion
- reoulsive
- reputable
- reputation
- repute
- reputed
編輯- resale
- rescind
- rescue
- rescuer
- research
- researcher
- reseat
- resell
- resemblance
- resent
- resentfull
- resentment
- reservation
- reserve
- reserve bank
- reserved
- reservedly
- reservist
- reservoir
- reset
- resettle
- reshuffle
- reside
- residence
- residency
- resident
- residential
- residual
- residue
- resign
- resignation
- resigned
- resignedly
- resilience
- resilient
- resin
- resinous
- resist
- resistance
- resistant
- resister
- resistor
- resolute
- resolutin
- resolvable
- resolve
- resolved
- resonance
- resonant
- resonate
- resonator
- resort
- resound
- resounding
- resource
- resourceful
- respect
- respectability
- respectable
- respectably
- respectful
- respectfully
- respecting
- respective
- respectively
- respiration
- respirator
- respiratory
- respire
- respite
- resplendence
- resplendent
- respond
- respondent
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- responsibly
- responsive
- rest
- rest assured
- restate
- restatement
- restaurant
- restaurant car
- restaurateur
- rest cure
- restful
- rest home
- resting place
- restitution
- restive
- restless
- restock
- restoration
- restorative
- restore
- restoreer
- restrain
- restrained
- restraint
- restrict
- restricted
- restriction
- restrictive
- restrictive use
- rest room
- restructure
- result
- resultant
- resume
- resumption
- resurface
- resurgence
- resurrect
- resurrection
- resuscitate
- resuscitation
編輯- retail
- retailer
- retain
- retained object
- retainer
- retake
- retaliate
- retaliation
- retaliatory
- retard
- retardation
- retarded
- retch
- retell
- retention
- retentive
- rethink
- reticence
- reticent
- reticulate
- reticulated
- reticulation
- retina
- retinue
- retire
- retired
- retirement
- retiring
- retort
- retouch
- retrace
- retract
- retractable
- retractile
- retraction
- retread
- retreat
- retrench
- retrenchment
- retrial
- retribution
- retributive
- retrieval
- retrieve
- retriever
- retro
- retroactive
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrogression
- retrogressive
- retro-rocket
- retrospect
- retrospection
- retrospective
- return
- return to oneself
- returnable
- returning officer
- return match
- retun ticket
編輯- rev
- revaluation
- revalue
- revamp
- reveal
- revealing
- reveille
- revel
- revelatin
- reveler
- revelry
- revenge
- revengeful
- revenue
- revenue stamp
- revenue tariff
- reverberate
- reverberation
- revere
- reverence
- reverend
- reverent
- reverential
- reverie
- revers
- reversal
- reverse
- reverse the charge
- reversible
- reversion
- revert
- review
- reviewer
- revile
- revise
- Revised Standard Version
- Revised Version
- reviser
- revision
- revisionism
- revisit
- resitalize
- revial
- revivalist
- revive
- revivify
- revocation
- revoke
- revolt
- revolting
- revolution
- revolutionary
- Revolutionary War
- revolutionist
- revolutionize
- revolve
- revolver
- revolving
- revue
- revulsion
編輯- rhea
- Rhenish
- rheostat
- rhesus
- Rhesus factor
- rhetoric
- rhetorical
- rhetorical question
- rhetorician
- rheumatic
- rheumatic fever
- rheumaticky
- rheumatism
- rheumatoid arthritis
編輯- rice
- rice paper
- ricer
- rich
- Richard
- Richard Roe
- riches
- richly
- Richmond
- richness
- Richter scale
- rick
- rickets
- rickety
- rickshaw
- ricochet
編輯- rid
- riddance
- riddle
- ride
- ride down
- ride for a fall
- ride out
- ride up
- rider
- ridge
- ridgepole
- ridicule
- ridiculous
- riding
- riding boot
- riding breeches
- riding habit
- riding school
編輯- rig
- rigging
- right
- right along
- right and left
- right away
- right now
- right on
- right-about face
- right angle
- right-angled
- righteous
- right field
- right fielder
- rightful
- rightfully
- right hand
- right-hand
- right-handed
- right-hander
- rightist
- rightly
- right-minded
- rightness
- right of way
- rightward
- rightwards
- right wing
- right-wing
- right-winger
- rigid
- rigidity
- rigmarole
- rigor
- rigor mortis
- rigorous
- rigour
- rig-out
- rile
- rill
- rim
- rimless
編輯- rind
- ring
- ring back
- ring down the curtain
- ring in
- ring off
- ring out
- ring up
- ring binder
- ringed
- ringer
- ring finger
- ringleader
- ringlet
- ringmaster
- ring road
- ringside
- ringworm
- rink
- rinse
編輯- rise
- rise above
- riser
- risibility
- risible
- rising
- rising generation
- risk
- riskily
- riskiness
- risky
- risotto
- risque
- rissole
編輯- roach
- road
- roadblock
- road hog
- roadhouse
- roadman
- road map
- road metal
- roadrunner
- road sense
- road show
- roadside
- roadstead
- roadster
- road test
- roadway
- roadwork
- roadworthy
- roam
- roan
- roar
- roaring
- roaring forties
- roast
- roaster
- roasting
編輯- rob
- robber
- robbery
- robe
- robin
- Robin Goodfellow
- Robin Hood
- Robinson Crusoe
- robot
- robotics
- robotization
- robust
編輯- roc
- rock
- rock the boat
- rockabilly
- rock-and-roll
- rock bottom
- rock-bottom
- rock-bound
- rock cake
- rock candy
- rock-climbing
- rock crystal
- Rockefeller
- Rockefeller Center
- rocker
- rockery
- rocket
- rocket base
- rocketeer
- rocketry
- rock garden
- Rockies
- rocking chair
- rocking horse
- cock'n'roll
- rock plant
- rock salt
- rocky
- Rocky Mountains
- rococo
編輯- Roland
- role
- role model
- role-playing
- roll
- roll back
- roll in
- roll on
- roll out
- roll over
- roll up
- roll call
- rolled gold
- roller
- roller bandage
- roller bearing
- roller coaster
- roller skate
- roller-skate
- roller skating
- roller towel
- rollicking
- rolling
- rolling mill
- rolling pin
- rolling stock
- rolling stone
- roll-on
- Rolls-Royce
- roll-top desk
- roly-poly
編輯- Romaic
- romaine
- Roman
- Roman Catholic
- Roman Catholic Church
- romance
- Romance
- Roman Empire
- Romanesque
- Romania
- Romanian
- Roman nose
- Roman numerals
- romantic
- romantically
- romanticism
- romanticist
- romanticize
- Romantic Movement
- Romany
- Rome
- Romeo
- romp
- rompers
- Romulus
編輯- rood
- rood screen
- roof
- roof garden
- roofing
- roofless
- roof rack
- rooftop
- rooftree
- rook
- rookery
- rookie
- room
- room and board
- roomer
- roomful
- roominess
- rooming house
- roommate
- room service
- roomy
- Roosevelt
- roost
- rooster
- root
- root and branch
- root beer
- root crop
- rootless
編輯- rosary
- rose
- roseate
- rosebud
- rosebush
- rose-colored
- rosemary
- Rosetta stone
- rosette
- rose water
- rose window
- rosewood
- rosin
- rosiness
- Rossetti
- Rossini
- roster
- rostrum
- rosy
編輯- rot
- rota
- Rotarian
- rotary
- Rotary Club
- rotary engine
- rotate
- rotation
- rotator
- rotatory
- rote
- rotgut
- rotisserie
- rotogravure
- rotor
- rotten
- rotund
- rotunda
- rotundity
編輯- rouble
- rouge
- rough
- rough in
- rough it
- rough out
- rough up
- roughage
- rough-and-ready
- rough-and-tumble
- roughcast
- rough-dry
- roughen
- rough-hew
- rough-hewn
- roughhouse
- roughly
- roughneck
- roughness
- roughrider
- roughshod
- roulette
- round
- round about
- round down
- round off
- round on
- round out
- round up
- roundabout
- round dance
- roundel
- rounders
- Roundhead
- roundhouse
- roundish
- roundly
- roundness
- round robin
- round-shouldered
- roundsman
- round table
- round-table
- round-the-clock
- round trip
- round-trip
- roundup
- rouse
- rousing
- Rousseau
- roustabout
- rout
- rout out
- route
- routine
- roux
編輯- rub
- rub along
- rub down
- rub elbows with
- rub it in
- rub off
- rub out
- rub up
- rub up against
- ruber
- rubber band
- rubberize
- rubberneck
- rubber plant
- rubber stamp
- rubber-stamp
- rubber tree
- rubery
- rubbing
- rubbish
- rubbishy
- rubble
- rubdown
- Rubens
- Rubicon
- rubicund
- ruble
- rubric
- ruby
編輯- rum
- Rumania
- Rumanian
- rumba
- rumble
- rumbling
- rumbustious
- ruminant
- ruminate
- rumination
- ruminative
- rummage
- rummage sale
- rummy
- rumor
- rumormonger
- rumour
- rump
- rumple
- rump steak
- rumpus
- rumpus room
編輯- run
- run about
- run across
- run after
- run against
- run along
- run around
- run at
- run away
- run away with
- run back
- run down
- run for it
- run in
- run into
- run off
- run out
- run out of
- roun out on
- run over
- run through
- run to
- run together
- run up
- run up against
- run upon
- runabout
- runaround
- runaway
- rundown
- run-down
- rune
- rung
- runic
- run-in
- runner
- runner bean
- runner-up
- running
- running board
- running broad jump
- runing commentary
- running gear
- running high jump
- running knot
- running mate
- runny
- run-off
- run-of-the-mill
- run-on
- runt
- run-through
- run-up
- runway
編輯- ruse
- rush
- rush candle
- rush hour
- rushlight
- Rushmore
- rushy
- rusk
- Russell
- russet
- Russia
- Russian
- Russian cross
- Russian Church
- Russian Revolution
- Russian roulette
- Russo-Japanese
- rust
- rustic
- rusticate
- rustication
- rusticity
- rustiness
- rustle
- rustle up
- rustler
- rustless
- rustling
- rustproof
- rusty