參見:ass hole

英語 編輯

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詞源 1 編輯

早期形式arsehole的變體,源自中古英語 arsholearcehoole,等價於ass +‎ hole。同源詞包括挪威語 rasshøl (屁眼)瑞典語 arsle (屁眼)。亦對比德語 Arschloch (屁眼,混蛋)。自14世紀70年代起可考,取代了早期古英語 earsþyrel (肛門, 字面意思是屁股的洞)。中古英語中最初的記錄作ers hole (Glouc. Cath. Manuscript 19. No. I., dated 1379, cited after OED)、ars-hole (Bodleian Ashmole MS. 1396, dated ca. 1400, ed. Robert Von Fleischhacker as Lanfrank's "Science of Cirurgie", EETS 102, 1894, cited after OED.)

俚語比喻用法可追溯回20世紀,當時,20世紀20年代,用於指讓人討厭的地方(對比shithole),然後至晚在20世紀50年代用來指讓人討厭的人(Harvard Advocate 137, March 1954)。也有同位用法(如「You're an asshole moralist」, T. Chamales, 1957)。

其他形式 編輯

發音 編輯

名詞 編輯

asshole (複數 assholes) (美國)

  1. (粗俗) 屁眼
    • 1910, 「Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York Third Department」, 出自 Google Books[1], retrieved 2014-07-27:
      She said she couldn't wiggle when she had the doorknob in her asshole.
    • 1954, Ira Wolfert, An Act of Love: A Completely Retold Version of the Novel, →OCLC,頁號 54:
      'You talk as if you were born without an asshole,' he cried to Commander Semmes.
  2. (粗俗貶義) 混蛋混球傻屄狗東西
    • 1965, Jan Cremer, 譯者 R. E. Wyngaard and Alexander Trocchi, I, Jan Cremer, →OCLC,頁號 78:
      He philosophised all day about Morandi, Klee, Miró and Picasso, and was such an asshole that he spelled "cunt" with a "d".
  3. (粗俗引申義常作同位修飾詞) 討厭事物
    • 1976, Felix Goodson, Sweet Salt, →ISBN,頁號 254:
      You oughta have better sense than to trust anyone with anything in this asshole place.
    • 1979, Ronald Sukenick, Long Talking Bad Conditions Blues, →ISBN,頁號 83:
      ... but when he started bugging the bartender to shut the asshole TV off because he wanted to have a serious discussion...
用法說明 編輯
  • asshole是美式英語形式,對應的英式英語形式為arsehole
  • 指人作貶義詞時,粗俗程度和語氣不如fuckercunt。儘管本質上是中性詞,但一般指男性,指女性時一般使用特指性別的bitch等詞。
近義詞 編輯
衍生詞彙 編輯
相關詞彙 編輯

參考資料 編輯

詞源 2 編輯

源自低地蘇格蘭語 assasseash +‎ hole

其他形式 編輯

名詞 編輯

asshole (複數 assholes)

  1. (棄用蘇格蘭北英格蘭)的洞
    • 1775, Tim Bobbin [John Collier], The Miscellaneous Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq., →OCLC,頁號 68:
      Esshole, Asshole, the hole under the fire to hold ashes.

低地蘇格蘭語 編輯

詞源 編輯

源自ass, asse (灰燼)hole

名詞 編輯

asshole (複數 assholes)

  1. (棄用)的洞

參考資料 編輯

  • John Jamieson, An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language: in which the words are explained in their different senses, authorized by the names of the writers by whom they are used, or the titles of the works in which they occur, and deduced from their originals, 1818