英語 編輯

詞源1 編輯

源自 puss +‎ -y (小稱後綴)

發音 編輯

  • (標準英音) 國際音標(幫助)/ˈpʊsɪ/
  • (通用美式) 英語發音po͝osʹi, 國際音標(幫助)/ˈpʊsi/
  • 文檔
  • 韻部:-ʊsi
  • 斷字:pus‧sy

名詞 編輯

pussy (複數 pussies)

A pussy (1)
  1. (非正式愛稱) (17世紀-)
    • 2007, Liz Jones, "Are cats the new dogs?", The Independent, 17 Nov 07:
      And although, as someone recently said to me, they are not "designer" (she had expected my pussies to be expensive, with a pedigree), to me my cats are the most beautiful in the world.
  2. (口語now罕用)女孩女人親熱的稱呼 (16世紀-)
    • 2010, Jojo Moyes, "Why love letters are better left unread", The Telegraph, 3 Jun 2010:
      If Lloyd George’s endearments to mistress Frances Stevenson – 「My darling Pussy. You might phone… on Friday if you can come. Don’t let Hankey see you」 – had been made similarly public, would he have maintained his own reputation as a towering statesman?
  3. (粗俗俚語) 女性陰部(17世紀-)
    You have a lovely pussy!你的小穴真可愛!
    • [2016, Alexandra Sirowy, The Telling (young adult fiction), Simon & Schuster頁號 6:
      There's a lot of disagreement about where that word came from. Pussy is actually a diminutive of pusillanimous, meaning cowardly. Although maybe the origin doesn't matter, since everyone equates it with the female anatomy anyway?
      關於這個詞的來源,有很多分歧。pussy 實際上是「pusillanimous」的縮略語,意思是「懦弱」。儘管也許起源並不重要,因為無論如何每個人都把它與女性的解剖結構等同起來?]
  4. 柔軟毛茸茸的東西;一種花序,如褪色柳的柳絮。(19世紀-)
  5. (粗俗俚語不可數通常用於短語「to get some pussy) 和女性性交 (20世紀-)
    I’m gonna get me some pussy tonight.
    • 1991, Daniel Clowes, Art School Confidential:
      The teachers are not there to help you. Most oft them are still freelancers and the last thing they want is more competition. They are there because they need a steady paycheck and they hope to score some pussy!
  6. (貶義粗俗俚語主要用於加拿大美國) 懦夫膽小鬼(20世紀-)
    You're such a pussy!你真是個孬種
    • 1925, Sinclair Lewis, Martin Arrowsmith (fiction), Harcourt Brace & Company:
      You ought to hear some of the docs that are the sweetest old pussies with their patients—the way they bawl out the nurses. But labs—they seem sort of real. I don't suppose you can bluff a bacteria—what is it?—bacterium?
    • 2007 11月 26, Matt Keating, 「Do everyone a favour and don't bring your cold to work」, 出自 The Guardian[1],於6 Oct 2014歸檔自原頁面:
      I couldn't carry the burden of shame engendered by the bully-boy advertising of "max-strength" cold and flu remedies, the obvious subtext of which is "Get to work, you pussy."
    • 2010, BioWare, Mass Effect 2, Redwood City: Electronic Arts, 經由 PC, →OCLC,幕:Prison Ship Purgatory:
      Shepard: You're in a bad situation, and I'm going to get you out of here.
      Jack: Shit, you sound like a pussy.
  7. (粗俗男同性戀俚語) 男人肛門,通常是同性戀性行為的被動參與者
  8. (過時) 一種遊戲
近義詞 編輯
上位詞 編輯
派生詞彙 編輯

詞源2 編輯

源自 pus +‎ -y

發音 編輯

形容詞 編輯

pussy (比較級 pussier, 最高級 pussiest)

  1. (醫學)膿汁pus)的
    近義詞: purulent
其他寫法 編輯

詞源3 編輯

形容詞 編輯

pussy (比較級 more pussy, 最高級 most pussy)

  1. (俚語過時) pursy的另一種寫法

延伸閱讀 編輯

  • OneLook 在線詞典 上有關 pussy 的釋義

參考資料 編輯