



繼承中古英語 undede,等價於 un- +‎ dead。最早可考的使用見於1400年左右,名詞用法則起自20世紀早期。





undead (無比較級)

  1. 屍體)仍具有生命
  2. (恐怖作品) 不死已死亡但還能活動的
    • 2018年11月27日, April Wolfe, 「Anna And The Apocalypse is a Holiday-horror Cocktail of Singing, Maiming, and Clichés」, 出自 The A.V. Club[1],於4 November 2019歸檔自原頁面:
      When Anna and John finally break out of their self-centered bubbles to the shock that they must battle to the death an undead neighbor in a giant snowman costume, it plays like a poignant comment on movie teenagers' tendency to indulge their inner lives, ignorant of the world around them.


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the undead  (僅複數)

  1. (恐怖作品) 不死生物(群體,合稱)
    In the zombie movie, an army of the undead accosted some nubile skinny-dipping teenagers.
    • 1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula, New York: Doubleday & McClure, 出版於 1899,第 xxiv. 319 頁:
      "Were another of the Un-Dead, like him, to try to do what he has done, perhaps not all the centuries of the world that have been, or that will be, could aid him."
    • 2006, The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society, 「Harley Got Devoured by the Undead」, 出自 An Even Scarier Solstice:
      Harley got devoured by the undead / Lurking down in some old wizard's tomb / You can say there's no such thing as zombies / But that's how Harley Warren met his doom
    • 2017年7月16日, Brandon Nowalk, 「Chickens and dragons come home to roost on Game Of Thrones (newbies)」, 出自 The Onion AV Club[2]:
      It’s an episode of characters returning to their own pasts as different people. They can retrench like Cersei, back on her bullshit, I mean, warpath. Or they can adapt, like The Hound. Neither way necessarily ensures success, but we know the archmaester isn’t unequivocally right. We’ve seen dragons reborn and armies of the undead. I wouldn’t be so sure that Wall will stand forever.



undead (複數 undeads)

  1. (恐怖作品) 不死生物(個體)
    • 1983, Tanith Lee, The Wars of Vis[3]:
      "You will do me a service," the undead said to him.
    • 1997, Carol Margaret Davison, Paul Simpson-Housley, Bram Stoker's Dracula: sucking through the century, 1897-1997:
      Innocent VIII lent credibility to the actual existence of undeads, an action that perpetuated, and even stimulated, vampire hysteria.

