



源自hill +‎ billy (傢伙)。對比低地蘇格蘭語 chapman billie (旅行商人)


  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˈhɪlbɪli/
  • (美國)音頻(檔案)



hillbilly (複數 hillbillies)

  1. (貶義) 土氣的,鄉巴佬
    近義詞: hick
  2. 美國南部,尤其是東南部鄉村白人







hillbilly (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 hillbillies,現在分詞 hillbillying,一般過去時及過去分詞 hillbillied)

  1. 展現自己鄉下出身散發鄉下人的氣質
    • 1991, The Commonwealth Review - Volume 3,頁號 189:
      Hillbillying troubadors, the bohemians of a new world, not cafe society but more like the poor white origins of an Elvis Presley.
    • 2002 4月 1, Marie Brenner, 「The Enron Wars」, 出自 Vanity Fair:
      Like Ken Lay, [Rebecca] Mark came from a small town in Missouri, one of four children in a farm family with deep fundamentalist beliefs. Her conversational style has been polished in Texas, and she is a master of 「hillbillying,」 the trick of playing up one’s humble origins.
    • 2004 4月 30, Lesley Stahl, 「Hardball」, 出自 MSNBC:
      And Kerry doesn’t know how to hillbilly. And it is not a Texas thing, by the way. John F. Kennedy used to hillbilly us. And that meant that he flirted with us. He had a twinkle. Bill Clinton hillbillied us. And Kerry has got to learn how to do that. He has got to dial back and show some relaxed affability.
  2. 將...刻畫為鄉巴佬;表現為鄉巴佬
    • 2001, The New York Times Biographical Service, Volume 32,頁號 1540:
      I think that 20 to 30 years ago nonfundamentalists in America did make a great mistake by typing them, by hillbillying and backwoodsing and holy-rollering them.
    • 2006, Laurel Snyder, Half/life: Jew-ish Tales from Interfaith Homes, →ISBN,頁號 25:
      God damned mother fuckin son of a bitch cock suckin' asshole, who the fuck does he think he is, that dumb ass, half-brained, hillbillied redneck, given me that Jew shit when he's coppin' money and nobody's got the balls to stand up to him and they're gonna let me take the rap?
    • 2008, Tim Hollis, Ain't That a Knee-Slapper, →ISBN,頁號 125:
      The Warner Bros. cartoons, after having hillbillied themselves nearly to death during the 1930s, did not return to the trend during the late 1940s.