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此分類包含以下 13 個子分類,共 13 個。
- 來自拉丁語的英語女性名字 (17 個頁面)
- 來自拉丁語的英語姓氏 (1 個頁面)
- 來自拉丁語的英語男性名字 (18 個頁面)
- 來自拉丁語的英語男性名字指小詞 (2 個頁面)
- 派生自古拉丁語的英語詞 (2 個頁面)
- 派生自文藝復興拉丁語的英語詞 (1 個頁面)
- 派生自通俗拉丁語的英語詞 (44 個頁面)
此分類共有 1,643 個頁面,以下顯示其中 200 個。
- abalienation
- abbate
- abbess
- abbreviate
- abbreviation
- Abdias
- abdicate
- abdication
- abduce
- abduct
- abduction
- abecedarium
- abecedarius
- Abel
- aberrant
- aberrate
- aberration
- abhorrent
- -ability
- ab initio
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- abject
- abjudge
- abjudicate
- abjuration
- ablaqueate
- ablative
- abolish
- abolla
- aborigines
- abortion
- ab ovo
- abrade
- abrase
- abrogate
- abs-
- abscess
- abscise
- abscissa
- abscission
- absence
- absent
- absolvent
- absolvitor
- absorption
- absterge
- abstinence
- abstraction
- abstruse
- absurd
- abundant
- ab urbe condita
- abyssal
- abyssus
- academic
- academy
- accelerando
- accelerans
- accelerate
- accent
- accentuate
- accept
- accessibility
- accessory
- accinge
- acclamation
- acclivity
- accolade
- accommodate
- accommodation
- accord
- accresce
- accrescent
- accusable
- accusator
- accusatrix
- acerb
- acerbic
- acescent
- acetum
- acquaint
- acquire
- acquisite
- acquisition
- Acre
- action
- Acts of the Apostles
- actus reus
- Adam
- add
- -ade
- adherence
- adiate
- ad interim
- adjacent
- adjoin
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- adjure
- adjutant
- adjutor
- administer
- administrate
- administration
- admiration
- admonish
- admonition
- ad nauseam
- adolescent
- adoption
- adore
- adorn
- Adriatic Sea
- adsorb
- adulation
- adulator
- adulter
- adulterine
- adure
- adventure
- advert
- advertent
- advocate
- Aegean Sea
- Aegyptus
- aerarium
- aerate
- aerial
- aes alienum
- affirm
- affirmant
- afforest
- affricate
- affuse
- Africa
- agent
- aggravate
- aggressor
- agitate
- agitation
- agon
- agrestic
- alacrity
- alas
- Alban
- albatross
- albedo
- album
- Alcazar
- Alcyone
- aleger
- aliquot
- allegation
- alliteration
- allium
- all roads lead to Rome
- alma mater
- alopecia
- alphabetic
- alphabetical
- altercate
- aluminium
- alumnus
- amazon
- ambivalence
- ambulate
- ament
- ammonia
- amnesia
- amphitheatre
- amplificate
- ampoule
- amputee
- amygdala
- analogy
- anapest
- anatomical
- -ance
- anchor
- anchovy
- ancilla
- ancillary
- androgynous
- anet
- angariate
- angina pectoris
- Angle
- angulus
- animadversion
- animosity
- ann
- annihilable
- annul
- annulment
- annunciate
- antebellum
- ante meridiem
- anthem
- antic
- anticipation