
阿罗马尼亚语 编辑

其他写法 编辑

词源 编辑

源自拉丁语 lūmen(比喻义“生命之光”)。对比罗马尼亚语 lume

名词 编辑


  1. 世界
  2. 人民
  3. 人类

相关词汇 编辑

参见 编辑

爱沙尼亚语 编辑

名词 编辑


  1. lumi属格单数

芬兰语 编辑

词源 编辑

lumo +‎ -e

发音 编辑

名词 编辑


  1. 幻觉错觉

变格 编辑

lume (Kotus 变格类型 48/hame,无层级变化)的变格
主格 lume lumeet
属格 lumeen lumeiden
部分格 lumetta lumeita
入格 lumeeseen lumeisiin
单数 复数
主格 lume lumeet
宾格 nom. lume lumeet
gen. lumeen
属格 lumeen lumeiden
部分格 lumetta lumeita
内格 lumeessa lumeissa
出格 lumeesta lumeista
入格 lumeeseen lumeisiin
所格 lumeella lumeilla
夺格 lumeelta lumeilta
向格 lumeelle lumeille
样格 lumeena lumeina
变格 lumeeksi lumeiksi
具格 lumein
缺格 lumeetta lumeitta
共格 lumeineen
lume所有格形式 (变格类型 hame)
所有者 单数 复数
第一人称 lumeeni lumeemme
第二人称 lumeesi lumeenne
第三人称 lumeensa

复合词 编辑

异序词 编辑

加利西亚语 编辑

prohibido facer lume

词源 编辑

最早见于13世纪,源自古加利西亚语、古葡萄牙语 lume,源自拉丁语 lūmen。与葡萄牙语 lume, 阿斯图里亚斯语 llume, 西班牙语 lumbre同源。

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

lume m (复数 lumes)

  1. 近义词: fogo
    • 1370, Ramón Lorenzo (ed.), Crónica troiana. A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 689:
      ca despois que anoyteçeu tornou outrosí escuro speso a sobreguisa, et nõ fazía luar nẽ lume, pouco nẽ mais.
      because after nightfall it became dark, and this darkness was exceedingly thick, and it was neither moonlight nor light, no less or more
  2. 林火
    • 1990, Xaquín Fernández Leiceaga, Economia (politica) do monte galego, page 103:
      A hipótese básica é que os lumes, por máis que sexan intencionados, non obedecen a unha lóxica económica de potencia irregular de ano en ano, senón a causas continuamente presentes
      The basic hypothesis is that forest fires, even being caused intentionally, don't follow year after year an economic logic of irregular potential, but instead causes that are continuously present

派生词 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  • lume” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012.
  • lume” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006-2016.
  • lume” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013.
  • "lume" in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
  • lume” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.

意大利语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自拉丁语 lūmen ← 原始印欧语 *léwksmn̥,派生自词根*lewk- (明亮)。“内腔”是现代新起义。参见借词lumen

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

lume m (复数 lumi)

  1. 光源
    • 1321, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Purgatorio [The Divine Comedy: Purgatory] (paperback), Bompiani, 出版于 2001, Canto XXII,页号 336,行号s 67–69:
      Facesti come quei che va di notte, ¶ che porta il lume dietro e sé non giova, ¶ ma dopo sé fa le persone dotte, []
      Thou didst as he who walketh in the night, ¶ who bears his light behind, which helps him not, ¶ but wary makes the persons after him, []
    • 1353, Giovanni Boccaccio, “Seconda giornata, Novella VII [Second Day, 7th Story]”, 出自 Decamerone [Decameron]‎[1], Tommaso Hedlin, 出版于 1527页号 50:
      Pericone non diede indugio a ſeguitarla, ma ſpento ogni lume preſtamente da laltra parte le ſi coricò al lato []
      Pericone was not slow to follow her, but, putting out every light, promptly hid himself beside her []
    1. 〉 非电力的光源(如蜡烛、煤油灯)
      • 1840, Alessandro Manzoni, 章号 XXXIII, 出自 I promessi sposi[2], Tip. Guglielmini e Redaelli,页号 626:
        [] C’era una vernaccia!... Ma, con una buona dormita, tutto se ne va. Ho un gran sonno... Levami un po’ quel lume dinanzi, che m’accieca... mi dà una noia...!”
        [] The wine was so fine!... With a good sleep all will be well again. I am overcome by sleep... Get that lamp away from before me, it's blinding me... it troubles me so...!”
    2. 〉 电力光源
  2. 〉〈
    • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Paradiso [The Divine Comedy: Paradise] (paperback), Le Monnier, 出版于 2002, Canto II,页号 39,行号s 64–66:
      La spera ottava vi dimostra molti ¶ lumi, li quali e nel quale e nel quanto ¶ notar si posson di diversi volti.
      Lights many the eighth sphere displays to you ¶ which in their quality and quantity ¶ may noted be of aspects different.
    • 1374, Francesco Petrarca, “Tacer non posso, et temo non adopre [I can’t be silent, yet I fear to use]”, 出自 Il Canzoniere[3], Florence: Andrea Bettini, 出版于 1858页号 349:
      Fra tanti amici lumi, ¶ una nube lontana mi dispiacque; ¶ la qual temo che 'n pianto si risolve, []
      Among so many friendly stars, ¶ one distant cloud displeased me: ¶ which I fear will melt away in tears
    • 近义词: stellaastro
    1. 〉〈上帝
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Purgatorio [The Divine Comedy: Purgatory] (paperback), Bompiani, 出版于 2001, Canto XIII,页号 195,行号s 85–87:
        Volsimi a loro e: «O gente sicura», ¶ incominciai, «di veder l'alto lume ¶ che 'l disio vostro solo ha in cura [] »
        To them I turned me, and, "O people, certain," ¶ began I, "of beholding the high light, ¶ which your desire has solely in its care, []
    2. 〉〈〉〈神圣灵魂或实体
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Paradiso [The Divine Comedy: Paradise] (paperback), Le Monnier, 出版于 2002, Canto X,页号 179,行号s 71–73:
        si trovan molte gioie care e belle ¶ tanto che non si posson trar del regno; ¶ e 'l canto di quei lumi era di quelle;
        Are many jewels found, so fair and precious ¶ they cannot be transported from the realm; ¶ and of them was the singing of those lights;
    3. 〉〈〉〈〉〈〉 受尊敬的人
      • 16世纪, Annibale Caro, transl., Eneide [Aeneid]‎[4], Florence: Leonardo Ciardetti, translationVirgil所著的Aeneis, 出版于 1827, Libro I,页号 102:
        Cadde Riféo, ch'era ne' Teucri un lume ¶ di bontà, di giustizia e d'equitate
        Ripheus fell, who was a light among the Teucrians ¶ for goodness, justice and equity
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Inferno [The Divine Comedy: Hell], 12th版 (paperback), Le Monnier, 出版于 1994, Canto I,页号 13,行号s 82–84:
        «O de li altri poeti onore e lume, ¶ vagliami 'l lungo studio e 'l grande amore ¶ che m'ha fatto cercar lo tuo volume.»
        "O, of the other poets honour and light, ¶ avail me the long study and great love ¶ that have impelled me to explore thy volume!
      • c. 1527, Francesco Berni, Orlando Innamorato [Orlando in Love]‎[5], Milano: Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 出版于 1828, Canto XIII,页号 37:
        A que' tre che tu, Fiorenza, onori ¶ eterni lumi della lingua nostra, []
        To those three that you, Florence, honour, ¶ eternal lights of our own language []
  3. ,尤指:
    1. 〉〈自然光
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Purgatorio [The Divine Comedy: Purgatory] (paperback), Bompiani, 出版于 2001, Canto I,页号 10,行号s 37–39:
        Li raggi delle quattro luci sante ¶ fregiavan sì la sua faccia di lume ¶ ch'i' 'l vedea come 'l sol fosse davante.
        The rays of the four consecrated stars ¶ did so adorn his countenance with light, ¶ that him I saw as were the sun before him.
      • 1909, Giovanni Pascoli, “La capinera [The Blackcap]”, 出自 Nuovi poemetti[6], 4th版, Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli, 出版于 1918页号 29,行号s 7–9:
        Il cinguettìo, così tra lume e scuro, ¶ cessò d’un tratto. Era comparso il sole. ¶ Sparì ciascuno nel bel giorno puro.
        The chirping, between light and darkness ¶ ceased suddenly. The Sun had risen. ¶ They all disappeared into the pure day.
      • 近义词: luce
    2. 〉 (人造的,非电力的)
  4. (绘画) 光投射到图画上的方式
  5. 视力
    • 1516, Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando Furioso [Raging Roland]‎[7], Venice: Printed by Gabriel Giolito, 出版于 1551, Canto XLIII,页号 205:
      e facea alcun effetto ſopr'humano; ¶ dar lume a ciechi, e tornar morti a vita; ¶ fermare il uento ad un ſegno di croce ¶ e far tranquillo il mar, quand'è piu atroce.
      [a hermit] who had done superhuman deeds; ¶ regiving sight to the blind, and restoring the dead to life; ¶ hushing the winds with a sign of the cross ¶ and pacifying the sea when at its scariest.
    • 近义词: vista
    1. 双眼
      • 1374, Francesco Petrarca, “I' vidi in terra angelici costumi [I saw angelic virtue on earth]”, 出自 Il Canzoniere[8], Florence: Andrea Bettini, 出版于 1858页号 157,行号s 5–8:
        E vidi lagrimar que' duo bei lumi, ¶ c'han fatto mille volte invidia al Sole; ¶ ed udii sospirando dir parole ¶ che farian gir i monti e stare i fiumi.
        And I saw two lovely eyes that wept, ¶ that made the sun a thousand times jealous; ¶ and I heard words emerge among sighs ¶ that made the mountains move, and halted rivers.
      • 1581, Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata [Jerusalem Delivered]‎[9], Erasmo Viotti, Canto LX,页号 372:
        e cadde tramortita: e ſi diffuſe ¶ di gelato ſudore: e i lumi chiuſe.
        and she fell to the ground, stunned, getting covered ¶ with freezing sweat, and closed her eyes.
      • 1835, Giacomo Leopardi, “I. All'Italia [To Italy]”, 出自 Canti[10], Bari: Einaudi, 出版于 1917页号 7,行号s 134–136:
        Ché, se il fato è diverso, e non consente ¶ ch’io per la Grecia i moribondi lumi ¶ chiuda prostrato in guerra, []
        If fate’s opposed, and will not consent that I fall in war, and close my dying eyes, for Greece, []
      • 近义词: occhi
  6. 启蒙启迪
    • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Purgatorio [The Divine Comedy: Purgatory] (paperback), Bompiani, 出版于 2001, Canto VI,页号 86,行号s 43–45:
      Veramente a così alto sospetto ¶ non ti fermar, se quella non ti dice ¶ che lume fia tra 'l vero e lo 'ntelletto.
      Verily, in so deep a questioning ¶ do not decide, unless she tell it thee, ¶ who light 'twixt truth and intellect shall be.
    1. 〉 基于理性建立起来的文化
      • 1764, Cesare Beccaria, “V. Oscurità delle leggi [Of the Obscurity of Laws]”, 出自 Dei delitti e delle pene [On Crimes and Punishments]‎[11], Paris: Dal Molini, 出版于 1780页号 21:
        Da ciò veggiamo quanto sia utile la stampa, che rende il pubblico, e non alcuni pochi, depositario delle sante leggi, e quanto abbia dissipato quello spirito tenebroso di cabala e d’intrigo, che sparisce in faccia ai lumi ed alle scienze []
        Hence we see the use of printing, which makes the public, and not a few individuals, the guardians of the sacred laws, and how it has dissipated the gloomy spirit of cabal and intrigue, which disappears in the face of enlightenment and sciences []
  7. (多用复数) 建议,有用的信息
    • 1881, Giovanni Verga, I Malavoglia[12], Fratelli Treves, 出版于 1907, Chapter VII,页号 113:
      La seduta fu sciolta senza concludere nulla. Il segretario voleva un po’ di tempo per prender lume;
      The meeting was closed without deciding upon anything. The clerk wanted time to get up his subject.
    • 近义词: chiarimentoconsiglio
    1. 洞察力
      • 1472, Dante Alighieri, La divina commedia: Purgatorio [The Divine Comedy: Purgatory] (paperback), Bompiani, 出版于 2001, Canto XVI,页号 237,行号s 73–75:
        Lo cielo i vostri movimenti inizia; ¶ non dico tutti, ma, posto ch'i' 'l dica, ¶ lume v'è dato a bene e a malizia
        The heavens your movements do initiate, ¶ I say not all; but granting that I say it, ¶ light has been given you for good and evil
      • 近义词: discernimento
  8. 内腔
  9. (捕鱼) 网眼大小

派生词 编辑

相关词汇 编辑

异序词 编辑

中古英语 编辑

名词 编辑


  1. lome的另一种写法

葡萄牙语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自古葡萄牙语 lume ← 拉丁语 lūmen ← 原始印欧语 *léwksmn̥ ← *lewk-。与加利西亚语 lume, 西班牙语 lumbre, 加泰罗尼亚语 llum, 奥克语 lum, 法语 lume, 意大利语 lume, 罗马尼亚语 lume同源。“内腔”是现代新起义。参见借词lúmen

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

lume m (复数 lumes)

  1. 内腔

近义词 编辑

相关词汇 编辑

罗马尼亚语 编辑

词源 编辑

源自拉丁语 lūmen ()(比喻义“生命之光”),源自原始印欧语 *léwksmn̥,派生自词根*lewk- (明亮)。对比教会斯拉夫语 свѣтъ (světŭ, 光;世界)匈牙利语 világ,原义为“光”。参见lumen

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

lume f (复数 lumi)

  1. 世界
  2. 人民
  3. 人类
  4. 〉〈

变格 编辑

近义词 编辑

相关词汇 编辑

参见 编辑

拓展阅读 编辑