分類:不帶 -eix- 的加泰羅尼亞語第三變位動詞

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加泰羅尼亞語 third conjugation (-ir) verbs without an infixed -eix- in root-stressed forms.

These verbs are technically known as pure verbs by opposition to the inchoatives (those that take -eix-). Only a minority of third conjugation verbs lack the -eix- infix, although they consist of several very common verbs, such as dormir (to sleep) and sentir (to feel). Many such verbs have additional irregularities, and many verbs have two sets of forms, with and without the -eix- infix. See also Category:Catalan third conjugation verbs with -eix-.

「不帶 -eix- 的加泰羅尼亞語第三變位動詞」分類的頁面

此分類共有 23 個頁面,以下顯示其中 23 個頁面。