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英语 verbs that indicate actions, occurrences or states directed to one or more grammatical objects.
- Category:英语作格动词:英语 intransitive verbs that become causatives when used transitively.
- Category:英语双及物动词:英语中同时表示两个语法对象的动作、存在、状态(一个直接,一个间接)的词汇。
顶 – A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- abacinate
- abdicate
- abduce
- abduct
- aberrate
- abject
- abjudge
- ablaqueate
- abominate
- abrade
- abrase
- abscind
- abscise
- absterge
- academize
- accable
- accelerate
- accent
- accentuate
- accept
- accomplish
- accouche
- acquaint
- acquire
- activate
- acylate
- add up
- adjure
- admonish
- adsorb
- advert
- advertise
- aerate
- afforest
- affricate
- affuse
- aggro
- ail
- akill
- aliene
- alight
- allegorise
- allot
- allow
- aluminise
- amaze
- ambiguate
- angariate
- annunciate
- antagonize
- anthologize
- antiquate
- apparel
- arride
- ascribe
- assail
- asseverate
- atomize
- atrophy
- atterrate
- autopsy
- aver
- averruncate
- averse
- awaken
- azure
- ballotte
- banalize
- bareback
- bear down
- beat the daylights out of
- beat to
- beat to the punch
- beckon
- beef up
- beg
- begrave
- beguile
- belie
- beshrew
- besmirch
- bewile
- black-market
- blame
- blather
- blind
- blow down
- blow up
- Bluetooth
- boggle
- bonjour
- bottleneck
- brazen
- break in
- brick up
- bright
- brim
- broadcast
- bronzen
- bullshit
- bum out
- bungle
- button up
- buzz up
- cag
- cajole
- calcitrate
- call out
- calm down
- casket
- catapult
- catch up
- chalk up to
- chase
- check out
- child
- chisel
- chlorinate
- Christmas
- clench
- coast
- cognominate
- collapse
- comminate
- commissionate
- commute
- compenetrate
- complexion
- compliment
- concomitate
- conculcate
- confide
- congee
- consensus
- contristate
- convene
- conversation
- convince
- cook up
- cotton-wool
- cough up
- countermine
- coward
- cower
- cowgirl
- coy
- crevasse
- criminalize
- cringe
- crud
- culminate
- cupcake
- daunt
- debilitate
- debride
- decal
- decolonize
- decommunize
- deep-fry
- degas
- degut
- demerse
- demise
- demote
- denizen
- deprave
- depredate
- depressurize
- depth charge
- deserve
- design
- destitute
- detestate
- dick
- dictionary
- die
- diet
- dilapidate
- dilucidate
- dilute
- dip
- diphthongize
- diplomate
- disabuse
- disagree with
- disambiguate
- discombobulate
- dishevel
- dishouse
- dispose of
- dissuade
- dite
- divinize
- divulge
- dod
- do in
- dovetail
- downmix