模組:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/miscellaneous


local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  LABELS                                 --
--                                                                         --

-- Appendices

labels["附錄"] = {
	description = "此頁面包含附加的{{{langname}}}相關資訊。",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
	umbrella = {
		description = "Categories with pages containing additional information about a given language.",
		parents = {"Category:Appendices"},
		breadcrumb = "By language",

-- Citations

labels["引用"] = {
	description = "Pages documenting instances of actual usage of {{{langname}}} terms.",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
	umbrella = {
		description = "Categories with pages documenting instances of actual usage of terms in a given language.",
		parents = {"Category:Citations"},
		breadcrumb = "Citations by language",

labels["citations of undefined terms"] = {
	description = "Pages documenting instances of actual usage of {{{langname}}} terms, but for which the term is not defined yet.",
	additional = "Citation pages in {{{langname}}} are automatically added here when any of the corresponding entries is a redlink. You can also add citation pages to this category manually when the entry exists but it has not a(n) {{{langname}}} section yet or has not been defined in that specific meaning. Before removing a page from this category, please verify that all citations relate to senses properly defined in the entry.",
	parents = {"citations"},
	umbrella = {
		description = "Categories with pages documenting instances of actual usage of terms in a given language, but for which the term is not defined yet.",
		parents = {"Requests", "Category:Citations"},
		breadcrumb = "Citations of undefined terms by language",
	can_be_empty = true,
	hidden = true,

-- Thesaurus entries

labels["類義詞庫詞條"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}[[WT:WS|類義詞庫]]詞條,當中列出了和某詞[[:en:Wiktionary:Semantic relations|語義上相關]]的詞語,例如近義詞、反義詞、上位詞、下位詞、分體詞和整體詞。",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
	umbrella = {
		description = "Categories with [[WT:WS|thesaurus]] entries for listing [[Wiktionary:Semantic relations|semantically related terms]] terms.",
		breadcrumb = "各語言",
		parents = {{name = "Category:類義詞庫詞條", sort = " "}},

--                                                                         --
--                              RAW CATEGORIES                             --
--                                                                         --

raw_categories["分類"] = {
	intro = "{{sisterlinks|Category:CommonsRoot}}",
	description = "這是維基詞典分類的最頂的頁面,由此衍生出所有的子類。也就是說這是分類頁面的源頭。",
	additional = "請注意,大多數分類都在[[:Category:主題]]或各自的[[:Category:所有语言|語言]]下。",

raw_categories["綜合元分類"] = {
	description = "本頁包含'''綜合元分類''',這些分類將綜合分類按照高層次主題進行分組。",
	additional = "綜合分類則將語言特定的分類按低層次主題進行分組。",
	parents = {"分類"},

return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}