模組:Category tree/poscatboiler/data/terms by lexical property


local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  LABELS                                 --
--                                                                         --

labels["依詞彙屬性分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by properties relating to spelling, pronunciation or meaning.",
	umbrella_parents = "分类",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},

labels["字符數"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}詞語按字符數量分類。",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["歧義詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have two opposite meanings.",
	parents = {"依詞彙屬性分類的詞"},

labels["多音詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have different meanings depending on how they are pronounced.",
	parents = {"依詞彙屬性分類的詞"},

labels["一字母單詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} individual words consisting of exactly one letter. They have meaning(s) other than their letter which are neither names nor abbreviations.",
	parents = {"字符數"},

labels["迴文"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}中由前往後讀和由前往後讀皆一致的詞彙、短語或句子(通常忽略變音符號、標點符號)。",
	parents = {"依字序分類的詞"},

labels["依正字法屬性分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by properties relating to [[orthography]] or [[spelling]].",
	parents = {"依詞彙屬性分類的詞"},

labels["按漢字分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}詞彙按照所含有的漢字進行分類。",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["依字元分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}}詞彙按照所含有的字元進行分類。",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["依字序分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by whether they include certain sequences of characters.",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["有同音詞的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have one or more [[homophones]]; other terms that are pronounced equally but spelled differently.",
	parents = {"依詞彙屬性分類的詞"},

labels["外來文字書寫的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are written in a different, non-native script.",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["用多種文字書寫的詞"] = {
	description = "用多於一種文字書寫的{{{langname}}}詞。",
	parents = {"依正字法屬性分類的詞"},

labels["三字母單詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} individual words composed of exactly three letters. They have meaning(s) beyond their component letters that are neither names nor abbreviations.",
	parents = {"字符數"},

labels["三字母縮寫"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} abbreviations composed of exactly three letters.",
	parents = {"字符數"},

labels["二字母單詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} individual words composed of exactly two letters. They have meaning(s) beyond their component letters that are neither names nor abbreviations.",
	parents = {"字符數"},

labels["依音位屬性分類的詞"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by properties relating to [[pronunciation]] and [[phonemics]].",
	parents = {"依詞彙屬性分類的詞"},

-- Add 'umbrella_parents' key if not already present.
for key, data in pairs(labels) do
	if not data.umbrella_parents then
		data.umbrella_parents = "詞彙屬性子分類"

--                                                                         --
--                              RAW CATEGORIES                             --
--                                                                         --

raw_categories["詞彙屬性子分類"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to terms categorized by their lexical properties, such as palindromes and number of letters or syllables in a word.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		{name = "依詞彙屬性分類的詞", is_label = true, sort = " "},

return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}