local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}
-- --
-- LABELS --
-- --
labels["依應用分類的詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by the manner and context in which they are used by speakers.",
umbrella_parents = "分类",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
labels["廣告用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to advertisements.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["古舊形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} forms that are used sometimes to imitate older literature for special effect, and serve as alternative forms of the same terms in recent general use.",
parents = {"有古舊詞義的詞"},
labels["有古舊詞義的詞"] = {
description = "不再普遍使用,但在舊文獻中仍可見到的{{{langname}}}詞,有時仍用於產生特殊效果。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["自主整合語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that possess the property they themselves describe.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["反讀"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms in which the written word is spoken phonemically backwards to form a coded language.",
parents = {"黑話"},
labels["行話"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms drawn from or imitative of technical jargon, and often rendered meaningless and fashionable through abuse by non-technical persons.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["黑話"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used to form secret languages that are typically restricted to members of a specific group.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["兒童用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中通常僅由兒童使用或對兒童使用的詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "非正式用語"},
labels["口語詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中主要用於休閒談話而非正式的書面作品和演講等的詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["過時形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} forms that are no longer fashionable, thus are anachronistic, and serve as alternative forms of the same terms in recent general use.",
parents = {"過時用語"},
labels["過時用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are no longer fashionable, thus are [[anachronistic]].",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["貶義後綴"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} suffixes that belittle (lessen in value).",
parents = {"derogatory terms"},
labels["貶義用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that belittle (lessen in value).",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["方言用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are not used in standard language but only in dialects.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["爭議用語"] = {
description = "在{{{langname}}}被嚴禁使用,因為有些來源使這些詞被認為是錯誤的。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "非標準用語"},
labels["口誤"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[eggcorn]]s, terms which are misconstructed.",
parents = {"misconstructions"},
labels["表情符號"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}字符或連續字符,用這個圖像表達或其他物品的[[w:空想性錯視|空想性錯視]]意思為代表。",
parents = {"網路用語", "簡訊俚語"},
labels["親暱用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are used to show affection or endearment to another person.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["種族歧視語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are intended to offend certain ethnic groups.",
parents = {"冒犯用語"},
labels["視覺方言"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} nonstandard spellings, which however do not change pronunciation, deliberately used by an author to indicate that the speaker uses a nonstandard or dialectal speech.",
parents = {"非標準形式", "依正字法屬性分類的詞"},
labels["愛稱"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose use is typically to contexts of friendly intimacy.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["粉絲用語"] = {
description = "常局限於一個或多個虛構作品的粉絲使用的{{{langname}}}非標準用語。",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["民間詩歌語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose usage is typically restricted to works of oral or folk poetry.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "poetic terms"},
labels["正式用語"] = {
description = "常局限於禮貌、正式場合的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["同性戀俚語"] = {
description = "常局限於同性戀人群使用的{{{langname}}}非標準用語。",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["中性用語"] = {
description = "不受限於性別,所有人均能使用的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["有歷史詞義的詞"] = {
description = "指代已經不存在的物品或概念的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["尊敬用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[honorific]] terms, which are used to show deference and respect.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["禮貌用語"] = {
description = "用於表達尊敬的{{{langname}}}[[禮貌]]用語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["孤語"] = {
description = "在該語言所有文獻中僅出現過一次的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["謙遜用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[humble]] terms, which are used to indicate that the addressee has higher social standing.",
parents = {"尊敬用語"},
labels["矯枉過正"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} forms of other terms by misapplications of grammatical or orthographical rules.",
parents = {"非標準用語", "非標準形式"},
labels["過度外語化用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms created by misapplying the perceived grammatical, orthographical or phonetical rules of another language.",
parents = {"矯枉過正"},
labels["非完整形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} verbs that serve as imperfective variants of perfective verbs, sharing the same base set of meanings.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["非正式形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that can be used in casual, non-ceremonious conversations as alternative forms of other terms.",
parents = {"非正式用語"},
labels["非正式用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose use is typically restricted to casual, non‐ceremonious conversations.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["故意誤拼"] = {
description = "故意拼寫錯誤的{{{langname}}}詞語。",
parents = {"拼寫錯誤"},
labels["網路笑話俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 that are used as substitutes for laughter in internet-related contexts.",
additional = "::''Note: The majority of items that <u>could</u> be here do not meet Wiktionary's [[WT:CFI|criteria for inclusion]].''",
parents = {"網路用語"},
labels["網路用語"] = {
description = "常局限於網民使用的{{{langname}}}非標準用語。",
parents = {"俚語", "依應用分類的詞"},
labels["幽默用語"] = {
description = "幽默、有趣或開玩笑的{{{langname}}}詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["駭客語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} which are used in [[leetspeak]], a variety of internet 俚語 that focuses on substitution of letters by other characters which are similar in appearance.",
parents = {"網路用語"},
labels["書面用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose usage is typically restricted to works of literature.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["醫學俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to medical doctors, such as physicians and surgeons.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["軍事俚語"] = {
description = "常局限於軍人使用的{{{langname}}}非標準用語。",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["結構錯誤"] = {
description = "Terms wrongly built due to a misunderstanding of their parts.",
parents = {"非標準形式"},
labels["羅馬化錯誤"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}詞彙的常見錯誤羅馬化形式。",
parents = {"非標準形式"},
labels["拼寫錯誤"] = {
description = "Common accidental misspellings of {{{langname}}} terms and some terms which are deliberate misspellings.",
parents = {"非標準形式"},
labels["非標準形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} forms of standard terms that are considered improper, incorrect or commonly misused.",
parents = {"非標準用語"},
labels["非標準用語"] = {
description = "被視為不恰當、不正確或誤用的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["棄用形式"] = {
description = "由於相較於現今一般用法有所改變,而僅出現於早期文獻、當今不再使用的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"有棄用詞義的詞"},
labels["有棄用詞義的詞"] = {
description = "當前不再使用但見於舊時文本中的{{{langname}}}詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["冒犯用語"] = {
description = "常被認為會冒犯他人的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["公文用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are chiefly used by official sources, and are often bureaucratic-sounding.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["矛盾修飾語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are juxtapositions of opposing ideas.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["完成時形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} verbs that serve as perfective variants of imperfective verbs, sharing the same base set of meanings.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["佔位符形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used to refer to items for which one does not know or cannot recall the name.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["詩歌語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose usage is typically restricted to works of poetry.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "書面用語"},
labels["政治正確用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used in an attempt to avoid causing offense.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["監獄俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to detainees in correctional institutions.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["無線電俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to radio communication.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["罕用形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that serve as rarely used forms of other terms.",
parents = {"有罕用詞義的詞"},
labels["罕用詞語"] = {
description = "因某些原因罕見於一般使用的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["宗教歧視"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are intended to offend members of certain religions.",
parents = {"冒犯用語"},
labels["恭敬用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used when referring to nobles.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["學校俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to schools and school pupils.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["自謙用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} [[self-deprecatory]] terms.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["簡稱"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are [[short form]]s of other terms, often used informally.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "縮略詞"},
labels["俚語"] = {
description = "一些亞文化人群所使用的{{{langname}}}非標準用語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["宗教用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are used to instill a sense of somberness.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["學生俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中的非標準用語,且其使用通常僅限於學院、大學及其學生。",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["替代形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中由於拼寫規範的變化而被其他寫法取代的形式。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞", "依正字法屬性分類的詞"},
labels["詈語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中用於咒罵、表達強烈的憤怒或沮喪的詞語。",
parents = {"粗俗用語"},
labels["稱呼用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中用於指代另一個人的詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["中古舊意義用語"] = {
breadcrumb = "古舊意義用語",
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are no longer in general use but still encountered in older literature and still sometimes used for special effect.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["有罕用詞義的詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}}中很少使用的詞語或具有很少使用的義項的詞語。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["有不常見詞義的詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} uncommonly used terms or terms with uncommonly used senses.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["詞義不詳的詞"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose meaning is unknown or disputed.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["簡訊俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms used for [[text messaging]] on mobile phones or similar devices, usually consisting of heavily abbreviated forms.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["商標"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that identify legal entities, their products and services, by means of legal protection — to some extent, in a number of jurisdictions — against unauthorized use of the terms.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["跨性別俚語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} 非標準用語 whose usage is typically restricted to transgender people.",
parents = {"俚語"},
labels["不常見形式"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms that serve as uncommonly used forms of other terms.",
parents = {"不常見用語"},
labels["不常見用語"] = {
description = "不常見的{{{langname}}}詞彙。",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["男性用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms and forms used in [[Appendix:Glossary#men's speech|men's speech]].",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["女性用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms and forms used in [[Appendix:Glossary#women's speech|women's speech]].",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
labels["粗俗用語"] = {
description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose tone (rather than the meaning) is offensive to polite company.",
parents = {"依應用分類的詞"},
-- Add 'umbrella_parents' key if not already present.
for key, data in pairs(labels) do
if not data.umbrella_parents then
data.umbrella_parents = "依應用分類的各語言下位詞"
-- --
-- --
raw_categories["依應用分類的各語言下位詞"] = {
description = "涵蓋與按用法分類的術語相關的主題的綜合分類,例如俚語、過時或古舊形式和粗俗用語。",
additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
parents = {
{name = "依應用分類的詞", is_label = true, sort = " "},
return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}