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加泰罗尼亚语 verbs with an infixed g (or occasionally c) appearing in several forms.
Generally, the forms with the velar infix are the first-person singular present indicative, the whole present subjunctive, the whole preterite and imperfect subjunctive, and the past participle. An example is vendre (“to sell”), with first person singular present indicative venc (here, the g appears as c when word-final); present subjunctive vengui, venguis, vengui, venguem, vengueu, venguen; preterite venguí, vengueres, vengué, venguérem, venguéreu, vengueren; imperfect subjunctive vengués, venguessis, vengués, venguéssim, venguéssiu, venguessin; and past participle vengut (also in this case venut without the infix). Velar infixes are very common in second conjugation verbs (ending in -re or -er), but occasionally appear in verbs of other conjugations, e.g. estar (“to be”) and venir (“to come”).