- aba-aba
- abacule
- abacus
- abad
- abat
- abattage
- abattoir
- abattre
- abbaye
- Abbezahlung
- abcéder
- abdiquer
- abecadło
- Abel
- aber
- Abkhazia
- Abkhazian
- ablak
- able
- abomasum
- Aboriginal
- aborigine
- abrasif
- absent
- absolute magnitude
- absoudre
- abu
- abêtir
- accent acute
- accent grave
- accepter
- accomplir
- account
- aceton
- activities
- actors
- actresses
- actualités
- actum
- actus
- actus reus
- ad banner
- Adam
- address bar
- Ader
- administrator
- adorable
- adoucir
- adress
- affront
- afghan
- agama
- agens
- agent
- agilis
- agitate
- ago
- agonize
- agonized
- ahdistaa
- ahurir
- aimable
- aims
- ain't
- air
- air-sea exchange
- airdate
- airports
- ajakan
- ajaran
- akar
- Akra
- ale
- alentaa
- alentua
- Alger
- alibi
- aligner
- alimentary canal
- aliquot
- alittaa
- alkaa
- all
- all in
- aller
- Allerheiligen
- allier
- alma
- alom
- along
- also
- alszik
- amare
- amateur
- ambulances
- ami
- ammunition
- amygdala
- an
- an-
- anaerobes
- anaerobic corrosion
- anal
- anallergique
- analytical equipment
- User:Anas1712/test
- andare
- User:Andrewlin1997/Random
- angel
- angle
- ankle
- ankommen
- annehmen
- announcing
- anoxic bottom condition
- ans
- anti-pollutant
- User:Antilovsky/sandbox
- antre
- anus
- anya
- anyag
- anyway
- Anzug
- apa
- apartheid
- Apartheid
- aplatir
- apparaitre
- apparaître
- apparel
- apparier
- appartenir
- applications
- appointments
- apprendre
- approfondir
- apron
- aquarelle
- aquatic effect
- arc
- areca palm
- aritmetika
- arm
- armoire
- arsenal
- art
- articulate
- artificial neural network
- artificial radionuclide
- artikuloida
- arvioida
- askance
- askari
- assassin
- associer
- assortir
- assume
- Atlantique
- atlasz
- atomic weapon
- attendre
- au
- augustus
- aus
- aus-
- ausbleiben
- auseinander-
- Ausländer
- ausländisch
- aut
- auto
- automatic water quality monitor
- autre
- auxiliary verb
- avec
- avian flu
- avian influenza
- avion
- avoir
- awesome
- aérien
- aéroport
- ba
- baba
- babe
- babillard
- babiller
- babine
- babiole
- babiroussa
- babouche
- baccalauréat
- Bach
- bacille
- bactéricide
- bactérie
- bactériologie
- badigeonner
- badinage
- bafouer
- bafouiller
- bagarre
- bagnole
- bailiwick
- bain
- bajta
- bal
- bald
- baleine
- balina
- balista
- banal
- bang
- bar
- bar chart
- barba
- barbare
- barszcz
- barátságos
- bas
- base
- bateau
- batteries
- Bauchschmerz
- be-
- beaucoup
- beenden
- beer belly
- begehen
- begleiten
- behaviour
- Beistrich
- belts
- benches
- Benjamin
- benzin
- benzinkút
- Berg
- berries
- Berührung
- besogne
- besorgt
- best practice
- beszéd
- beszél
- betel palm
- beträchtlich
- beurre
- biblioteko
- bicycles
- Biere
- bieten
- bile duct
- biliary tract
- bin
- binomial distribution
- bio-pumping
- biochemical environment
- biochemical interaction
- biophile element
- bir
- bird flu
- biscuits
- bitch
- black bear
- black pepper
- blanc
- blanchir
- blettir
- bleu
- bleuir
- blinder
- bloem
- blond
- blonde
- blondir
- blood cell
- blossoms
- blueberries
- blêmir
- body odor
- body odour
- bol
- boldog
- Bolsheviks
- bolshie
- Bombaj
- bon
- bona
- bona fide
- borate alkalinity
- Boris
- bottle opener
- bottles
- bouche
- boulanger
- Brasília
- brat
- Bratwurst
- brav
- Brazil
- brazilian
- Brexit
- brig
- brilliant
- brine corrosion
- brother
- brown bear
- Budapest
- budget
- budynek
- buffalo
- buis
- buk
- bureau
- bus
- butyric acid
- bátor
- bátorság
- bátorít
- bâbord
- cabbages
- café au lait
- calcite compensation depth
- calls
- calmer
- calzone
- canard
- capital city
- capital letter
- capital punishment
- capsule
- carbon copy
- carbon flow
- carpe
- carpets
- cas
- Casanova
- case study
- cashiers
- casse-tête
- cathode pulse modulation
- ce
- cell nucleus
- cell phone
- centaur
- centre
- ceraso
- cestids
- changes
- characters
- cheapos
- cheat
- chemical hydrology
- chemical oceanographer
- chemical oceanography
- chemical tracer
- chemobiotic zone
- chemogenic reaction
- cherry plum
- cheveu
- chicanery
- chicken pox
- chien
- chile
- chili pepper
- China
- chlorine oxide
- chlorosity factor
- chocolate starfish
- choisir
- cholera
- Christ
- chè
- cichy
- ciel
- cikk
- cinq
- circulation of water
- circumstantial evidence
- cives
- civil code
- civil law
- civil servant
- class width
- clinical trial
- clore
- closed cycle
- co-ion exclusion
- cochon
- coir
- color of seawater
- colón
- combs
- comms
- complementary colors
- complexation reagent
- comprendre
- compulsory education
- computed tomography
- computers
- conclusion
- conditional probability
- conductive salinometer
- conduire
- consensual sex
- conséquence
- contact lens
- contenir
- contingency table
- control chart
- control group
- conundrum
- convent
- conversation
- cook
- cooks
- copse
- copses
- coquet
- corde
- Coronavirus
- correlation coefficient
- corrosion rate
- corrosion seawater
- cosplay
- cosseno
- costas
- coumarins
- coup d'etat
- coupe
- coupler
- courir
- course
- court
- couvrir
- cozie
- cranial fossa
- crash
- credit card
- credit rating
- crescent moon
- critical value
- crowds
- crystal ionic radius
- csónak
- cucumbers
- cul-de-sac
- culdesac
- curdle
- członek
- címer
- cœur
- d'oh
- da
- dan
- dancers
- daran
- darbieten
- dark bottle
- das
- dating agency
- dawn
- death knell
- death penalty
- death toll
- debt financing
- definite article
- degenerate parametric amplifiers
- dein
- deiner
- deligo
- delivery room
- dem
- demonstrative pronoun
- Denglisch
- denudation rate
- desalination membrane
- desalination plant
- desalted water
- deset
- Deutsch
- deze
- diabetes mellitus
- dialects
- dich
- dick
- dicks
- dictionaries
- die
- dies
- digestive tract
- dir
- direct bromination
- direct manipulation
- discrete random variables
- discrete variable
- Disember
- dishes
- diss song
- disznó
- Diyarbakır
- do
- doek
- dogma
- Dogma
- dollars
- dolphins
- dom
- Dom
- domestic cat
- domestic violence
- Donieck
- donkeys
- dont
- dopants
- Doppelgänger
- dort
- down payment
- drept
- drivers
- driving school
- drug trafficking
- du
- Dubrovnik
- dudek
- Durchschnitt
- durchschnittlich
- duwen
- Dächer
- Düsseldorf
- długość
- early bird
- eaters
- eau
- ecdysiast
- editors
- User:EdwardAlexanderCrowley/sandbox/3
- ego
- egy
- Ehemann
- eigensinnig
- eight pack
- einarbeiten
- einbilden
- eine
- einer
- einschätzen
- eis
- Eisen
- electron-volt
- electronic book technology
- electronic sport
- elegant
- elementary school
- elephant in the room
- elephants
- elkaar
- elő
- előre
- ember
- embryo
- emel
- emotions
- empfehlen
- empfinden
- encyclopaedia
- encyclopedias
- enfleurage
- eng
- ennui
- ennuyeux
- entwenden
- entwerfen
- Entwurf
- envie
- equity financing
- er
- erdő
- ered
- eredmény
- eri
- erlesen
- erogenous zone
- errand
- erst
- es
- escogido
- espérer
- essential element
- estar
- eszik
- eszköz
- et
- ethylene oxide
- euch
- Euch
- Euer
- exceptions
- expected value
- extended target
- extra
- extreme sport
- extremely
- extremely low frequency
- facial
- facilis
- facio
- factual dispute
- faeces
- fajita
- falloir
- falx
- faraone
- fast
- fat-free milk
- father
- Februari
- feces
- fejlődik
- fejlődés
- feleség
- felfedezés
- fellows
- felszín
- feminino
- fern
- fernsehen
- fero
- ferocity
- ferus
- fervent
- fervor
- fest
- festa
- festival
- festivals
- festive
- fetus
- fido
- filial piety
- financial year
- finds
- fiscal year
- fission radiochemistry
- fix
- fjord
- fledgling
- floruit
- flower
- flowers
- flunkern
- Flüssigkeit
- fog
- folinate
- footprints
- fordítás
- foreign language
- forest
- forest fire
- formirati
- fors
- Forscher
- fortsetzen
- foto
- Franciaország
- Frank
- Frankfurt
- fremman
- Frenchmen
- friends
- fucking
- full moon
- férfi
- férj
- Fürbitte
- Fürwort
- főnév
- gaan
- gall bladder
- galleries
- gas chamber
- gastrointestinal tract
- gav
- gazebo
- gegenzeichnen
- Geilheit
- gelegentlich
- geradeaus
- geven
- ghosts
- gil
- ging
- girls
- global
- gmina
- gnome of Zürich
- golden
- golf club
- grand piano
- gravy train
- gray langur
- grindings
- gris
- grizzly bear
- growth ring
- Großtante
- grupa
- grzywna
- gründlich
- Grünling
- guests
- guided waves
- gul
- guld
- gunst
- guru
- guys
- guz
- gyerek
- gyár
- gyárt
- gyökér
- gyümölcs
- gyűlöl
- gyűlölet
- głos
- haaskata
- habeo
- hackers
- hadd
- hadith
- haka
- hal
- hall
- Hamburg
- Hand
- hand job
- hand, foot and mouth disease
- Handschuh
- Handwerk
- hangi
- hart
- hast
- használ
- hayes
- head of government
- head of state
- hearing aids
- hebben
- heirs
- hell
- her
- herbivore
- herd immunity
- Herdenimmunität
- herding dog
- heteropoly acid
- hikikomori
- hippos
- hippuric acid
- Hirngespinst
- hiss
- hisz
- hjul
- hoffen
- holds
- holes
- holnap
- horchen
- horen
- horse sense
- hot brine area
- hours
- hrvatski
- human being
- hund
- hunting dog
- hush money
- huso
- hwan
- hydrogène
- hány
- hän
- hören
- ich
- identity card
- idle time
- idő
- időjárás
- ihm
- ihn
- ihnen
- Ihnen
- ihr
- Ihr
- ihrer
- Ihrer
- illuminances
- image impedances
- images
- imaginary unit
- IMPATT diodes
- in
- incompiuta
- indecent assault
- indefinite article
- index finger
- indicative mood
- indies
- industrial design
- inkosi
- input controls
- insects
- inshore water
- insinuo
- insisto
- insulo
- integrated circuits
- intelligencia
- intelligent
- intercontinental ballistic missile
- interjections
- internally-stored program
- intimidated
- intrinsic transitions
- inukshuk
- inuksuk
- Iran
- irodalom
- islandais
- islets
- isotope assay
- ist
- isteri
- ital
- Italia
- Italie
- iwi
- Januari
- January
- jeden
- jelez
- jelöl
- jelölés
- jinja
- job title
- joint venture
- Jugoslawien
- juin
- Jumaat
- Jun
- jurnata
- járás
- játék
- játékszín
- jäädä
- jó
- Kanarienvogel
- kaputt
- kar
- karjua
- kassi
- kast
- kauppa
- User:Kc kennylau/T:标准内容/外语
- keplotella
- keres
- kettő
- kilomètre
- kingdoms
- kings
- kirja
- kittens
- kiwi fruit
- kız
- klappen
- Klara
- klingeln
- knees
- knjiga
- koku
- koru
- kost
- kosten
- koumiss
- koło
- kościół
- Kroatien
- krokodil
- krytyka
- kulahtanut
- Kuli
- kurjak
- kurk
- kämmen
- käsi
- kéreg
- kérés
- kígyó
- kívül
- Köln
- körte
- kötél
- következik
- közös
- közösség
- külön
- különleges
- labour room
- labret
- lach
- laden
- laid
- lak
- lang
- Lao
- Laplace transforms
- lau
- laufen
- laundries
- lauva
- lawyers
- legjobb
- Lehnwort
- lepel
- leugnen
- Leugnung
- leur
- libraries
- library
- licks
- liczba
- liemi
- life sentence
- lighten
- liikkua
- linearity controls
- Linux
- loaves
- log drum
- long face
- los
- lost cause
- love egg
- love song
- lunar phase
- lundi
- luv
- lyödä
- lát
- lé
- létrehoz
- ló
- Lösung
- lügat
- machines
- madda
- madár
- magna
- magnifique
- magyar
- Magyarország
- main course
- mais
- major constituent
- major lobes
- malaperi
- manat
- mandarin orange
- mangan
- manger
- Mantel
- manti
- mardi
- marine aerosol
- marine humus
- markkinat
- mater
- matuha
- May
- may
- maður
- me
- mean deviation
- mean square
- meg
- megapolis
- meiner
- mele
- meleg
- mellifluous
- menekült
- menettää
- mennyi
- mennyiség
- mens rea
- menstrual period
- mentir
- mer
- mercredi
- merkki
- message transfer agent
- met
- mettre
- mganga
- mich
- micro-titration
- middle finger
- mieszkanie
- miles
- military service
- milkfishes
- Mimik
- minor lobes
- mir
- mistakes
- misunderestimate
- mit Verlaub
- mitkommen
- mitten
- miłość
- modal verb
- modern
- mogen
- Mohism
- mole
- molecular weight
- mollis
- momentum
- Monachium
- monarchies
- monastery
- mond
- moneSpat o tae'hae
- Mongolia
- Monitor
- monkeys
- monks
- months
- Moor
- moratorium
- morning wood
- Morocco
- morose
- mors
- morze
- Mosquito
- mosquito net
- motorbikes
- mountains
- mozog
- mucous membrane
- muistaa
- muka
- multiloop control systems
- multiple inputs
- multiple telegrams
- munir
- munka
- murder weapon
- musertaa
- musicians
- musk ox
- második
- mähen
- Méjico
- mögen
- mündlich
- müssen
- nach
- Nacktheit
- nada
- naida
- Nase
- national anthem
- native compound
- nature reserve
- nauka
- nearby
- negroes
- nemz
- Neolithic
- neuter
- neutral particle
- Niemcy
- niemiecki
- nina
- nipottaa
- non-fat milk
- nord
- normal
- northern lights
- noses
- nouns
- November
- Novgorod
- nowy
- nuclear weapon
- numerals
- nyelv
- nyelvtan
- Nyilas
- nyolc
- nyolcadik
- nyolcszögek
- nähdä
- néhány
- német
- Németország
- néon
- nő
- ocean
- oenology
- of
- oft
- og
- Ogos
- ogród
- okno
- oko
- Oktober
- olasz
- old man
- old moon
- oldal
- olefiant gas
- olim
- olka
- olkavarsi
- olla
- olvas
- omnis
- ona
- onderweg
- onions
- ono
- opera
- opinion
- optoelectronic diodes
- ora
- ordi
- original
- oro
- orosz
- oroszlán
- Oroszlán
- Oroszország
- osoba
- osteria
- osua
- osztály
- our
- oxygène
- pace
- panna
- paragraphs
- paraguas
- parasol
- parking space
- penises
- perforce
- pes
- pesakit
- phoney
- pie chart
- piece of cake
- pigeons
- pilot project
- pin grid array
- pineal gland
- pituitary gland
- pizza
- plastik
- playground
- plaza
- plaża
- pneumothorax
- pociąg
- podobny
- pogoda
- polis
- polityka
- polka
- Polka
- polonais
- polyvinyl pyrrolidone
- poskad
- possible
- possum
- posthumous name
- potatoes
- potere
- poubelle
- praca
- pracownik
- prasejarah
- pre-crastination
- preservative
- presidence
- presidency
- price-to-book ratio
- prima
- primary school
- printing house
- prisoner of conscience
- prisons
- private ownership
- process
- procrastination
- progressive house
- prononciation
- pronouns
- pronunciation
- propionate
- prosopagnosia
- prostatitis
- prosthetics
- Prydael
- przyjemność
- près
- Prüfung
- psychedelic trance
- public offering
- publicity stunt
- puer
- puhua
- Pullover
- pur
- pussies
- pyrophosphoric acid
- példa
- płakać
- qoltuq
- qualities
- quand
- quantities
- Quebec
- queens
- Quelle
- quoniam
- Québec
- rabbits
- radar chart
- radio
- radio silence
- radium
- radius
- radix
- radon
- rains
- Ramadan
- random event
- Rangun
- rapa
- rape
- rapid
- rapsahtaa
- rare
- reads
- recommencer
- red fox
- redundant bits
- refrigerators
- refudiate
- regression equation
- regs
- regularly
- rein
- reiten
- relay race
- religia
- religieux
- rent boy
- repül
- resound
- revähtää
- rhythmus
- rideg
- rights
- ring finger
- rohkaista
- rohkea
- roofs
- rooms
- roots
- rot
- routes
- royal family
- roșu
- ruchlos
- rule of thumb
- rulers
- Russians
- rég
- régi
- répandre
- réussir
- rösti
- sable
- sabre
- sailors
- sales funnel
- salient points
- salpingitis
- samedi
- sample size
- sampling error
- sanctus
- sang
- sanitary napkin
- sanitary pad
- sanitary towel
- Sanskrit
- saxum
- scallywag
- scarves
- scatter diagram
- scharf
- schließlich
- school year
- schwer
- schwindelig
- screw
- search box
- seasons
- secco
- second nature
- Sehnsucht
- senex
- sensualities
- separate
- September
- septimana
- seria
- series
- serpent
- several
- sex
- Sex
- sex ratio
- sexual harassment
- sexual orientation
- sexualities
- shad
- sheep dog
- shirts
- short message service
- shoulder blade
- show
- shqip
- side dish
- sie
- sight for sore eyes
- signal elements
- signs
- sinaasappel
- sine die
- singers
- single mother
- sis
- situation
- siwa
- six
- się
- sketches
- skim milk
- skrót
- Smoleńsk
- snakes
- snow goose
- soaps
- social distancing
- software patch
- sokszögek
- sol
- solatio
- solvent
- Somali
- son of a bitch
- songs
- souanq
- souffrir
- sounds
- sous
- soy milk
- Spanferkel
- speaks
- speeches
- spells
- spiders
- spittle
- spoilata
- spoken
- Sprache
- springen
- srpski
- srw
- Stacy
- standard deviation
- state of the art
- statek
- stearic acid
- Stillleben
- stock code
- stock exchange
- stock phrase
- strawberries
- streets
- stricken
- strong
- struktura
- student loan
- ständig
- subir
- substitute teacher
- sum
- summaries
- suo
- super
- superb
- supina
- supply teacher
- surgical gown
- surnames
- surseoir
- sustainable development
- suti
- suzerainty
- swans
- sweaters
- swine flu
- swine influenza
- swing state
- Syawal
- syvennys
- syödä
- szeg
- szem
- szeret
- sziget
- szomorú
- szél
- szó
- szól
- szólam
- szólásszabadság
- szótár
- szökik
- szőlő
- sévère
- süß
- tachi
- Tai
- taitaa
- talp
- tanto
- tarantula
- Tasche
- tea leaf
- teachers
- teapots
- technika
- telco
- tells
- tenant farmer
- tenger
- term sheet
- Thera
- thesaurus
- third leg
- thrash metal
- tief
- tietää
- tiger chair
- tizennyolc
- tizennyolcadik
- tomatoes
- tombs
- tone colour
- User:TongcyDai/沙盒/00
- User:TongcyDai/沙盒/01
- User:TongcyDai/沙盒/04
- torii
- tosa plo' ira ko tosa
- tourists
- towels
- towers
- towns
- trafic
- tragedia
- trails
- travel bubble
- tree ring
- trials
- tribes
- tulip
- tummy button
- tun
- tunge
- turkeys
- turn out
- tus
- tyssätä
- tárgy
- tárgyal
- tárgyalás
- täi
- tärähtää
- téléviseur
- téma
- térkép
- tête
- történelem
- történet
- törő
- tępy
- tłumaczenie
- Ucalegon
- ugat
- ula
- ulkona
- un
- unabhängig
- unbeschreiblich
- und
- unentschieden
- ungefär
- unna
- uns
- unser
- Unsterblichkeit
- unsung hero
- ununoctium
- unus
- Unwetter
- unzufrieden
- urgent
- users
- uterus
- utile
- vacua
- vado
- vagio
- vagor
- vakiintua
- val
- valittaa
- vall
- vallankaappaus
- valle
- vallen
- vallo
- vallásszabadság
- valo
- valta
- valtio
- valószínű
- valószínűleg
- valószínűség
- vampir
- van
- vapour
- varieties
- varlė
- vatu
- vendre
- vendredi
- verfahren
- Verleugnung
- vertragen
- vervielfachen
- verzeihen
- vesitiivis
- veue
- video
- viikate
- villages
- vineyards
- vinkata
- virág
- vite
- vittna
- vivir
- vogel
- voida
- volcan
- volcanoes
- volym
- von
- Voraussage
- vorkommen
- vorschlagen
- Vortrag
- vorzüglich
- vouloir
- vuori
- város
- vér
- waiters
- walks
- walls
- washing machine
- wassen
- water of crystallization
- water snake
- watermelons
- weggehen
- weinen
- Weißfisch
- welcher
- Weltschmerz
- wer
- werden
- were
- wert
- what
- whisky
- white supremacy
- wiederherstellen
- wiederholen
- wiele
- wijzen
- Wikcionario
- willen
- windows
- wings
- winter melon
- wir
- wiring list
- wissen
- User:Wjcd/creation.js/plural
- User:Wjcd/creation.js/pluralGender
- wolves
- woman
- women
- world music
- world war
- worst case scenario
- writing pad
- writing paper
- wysoki
- wyspa
- Węgry
- y
- yblent
- yksi
- yo
- zabib
- zachodni
- zeven
- zien
- zoenngut
- zug
- zustimmen
- zuugoyas
- zwykle
- Zürich
- ärsyttää
- ääni
- él
- élet
- élénk
- én
- ének
- énekel
- étoile
- írás
- óceán
- óra
- ökör
- összehasonlít
- Österreich
- øjne
- úr
- úttörő
- Überfluss
- überhaupt
- übersetzen
- üldöz
- üzem
- üzemanyag
- üzemanyagtartály
- ćma
- điện não
- łódka
- ściana
- żołnierz
- życie
- żyto
- żyć
- Αἴγυπτος
- γραῦς
- ελληνικά
- агат
- апельсин
- артист
- богатый
- город
- городской
- динозавр
- Дмитрий
- же
- зверь
- знание
- Казахстан
- лекарство
- любить
- любовь
- менять
- Москва
- небо
- немец
- норма
- одиночество
- Орос
- парень
- перестройка
- подруга
- пой
- похвалить
- пустой
- рак
- Россия
- рука
- седи
- сосок
- существование
- торжественный
- черта
- численность
- ԱԱ
- آب
- آش
- آن
- ئاتمىش
- ئوتتۇز
- ئەللىك
- ابر
- اتاق
- اسب
- اسم
- او
- اوکتوبر
- باز
- بازار
- باغ
- بد
- برگ
- بزرگ
- بهار
- بھائی
- بھرا
- توقسان
- جانواري
- جمعه
- حوله
- خواهر
- دادن
- در
- دست
- دندان
- دوست
- ديسيمبر
- زمستان
- زن
- زیاد
- سيڤتيمبر
- سگ
- سەكسەن
- شب
- شما
- فيبرواري
- قله
- قوس قزح
- قىرىق
- كتاب
- لاله
- ما
- مادر
- مىليارد
- مىليون
- مىڭ
- نام
- نان
- نوۏيمبر
- نۆلىنچى
- يىگىرمە
- يۈز
- يەتمىش
- پا
- پنجابی
- ڤراسجاره
- ڤساکيت
- ڤوسکد
- کتاب
- کردن
- گرم
- گرگ
- گفتن
- ਧੀ
- ਭਰਾ
- ਭਾਈ
- ਰਾਤ
- すてる
- つるぺた
- な
- みる
- やすむ
- ホルマリン
- ボランティア
- 丈夫
- 下面
- 伯母
- 信件
- 信函
- 元
- 刚
- 加班
- 区
- 博学
- 古琴
- 呧
- 哥
- 哥哥
- Wiktionary:啤酒馆/2020档案
- 国
- 丘
- 大佬
- 女婿
- 客厅
- 岖
- 戈
- 拘
- 歌
- 气质
- 滑
- 篙
- 耳
- 膏
- 蜘
- 躯
- 邱
- 锅
- 阿哥
- 阿姆
- 风水
- 风灾
- 台风
- 飓风
- 飮
- 驹
- 驱
- 魁
- 낱말
- 𐤀
- 𣬠𣬶